Paris, Friday, 24 Nov. 2023
Recently, there was a sharing of an email exchange between a disciple and the Guru, on her visit to Tirupati. This was also posted on a Whatsapp group being administered by a senior kriyaban.
On reading the posting a kriyaban asked a question and the senior brother kriyaban responded.
The whole set of correspondence is being shared now, as a Message.
Sharing from a devotee:
Dear Baba,
Jai Guru, Jai Guru,
On 14th November 2023 I visited Tirupati Balaji Venkatashwara swamy for Darshan. What a splendid Darshan it was... I felt as if I am totally one with the Lord Vishnu... as if HE IS smiling back at me and I felt pure joy, I forgot everything around me and was hailing his name Govinda Govinda from my heart.. I could feel a current in my spine and a direct one to one connection with the Lord as if HE came out, reached out to me and I moved closer to Him too
I did not ask for anything material wishes nothing...just pure higher orgasm in my brain... tears were flowing through my eyes ...I was super happy for no reason at all..
The kriya energy worked this miracle...this connection.. I believe the Guru’s grace made it possible.. because I went without any prior booking of tickets...
Now I see the Lord in the rising Sun!
Jai Guru, Jai Lahiri Lore, Jai Kriya Yoga
Response from the Guru Process:
In our holy ancient Land - called Bharat - there are indeed very special places with enormous sacred - intense - vibrations overwhelming. When I had visited Tirupati many years ago, similar perceptions happened and still remains recorded in the memory with intensity. Kriya Yoga accelerates the process — no doubt. Life flowers as mind vanishes. Divinity dawns, desires are destroyed.
Blessings and much love to you all .
Jai Guru, Jai Govinda, Jai Lahiri Lore.
Question from Kriyaban:
Sorry, if I am wrong here and I don't mean to disrespect, but just asking:
Isn't it the mind that was playing the game, because at one moment our kriya brother /sister said he or she forgot everything around but then also mentioned that he or she was chanting Govinda ; the disciple even felt current in spine. Isn't it all experienced by the mind only, so is it possible that mind was creating and experiencing all that?
Response to the Kriyaban
You are right that the experience, is of the mind, and is of its conditioning.
Hindu conditioning is chanting 'Govinda, Govinda' in Tirupati.
However, it is also a fact that there are places of immense energy concentration as in our country in some other parts of the world also.. I have felt it in Bulgaria. The sensitive body responds and sometimes tears flow, or other physical phenomena happen. There is no experiencer then. It is immediately after this Bliss happens that the mind takes over and says "I" experienced it. Thereafter conditioning takes over, with its mischiefs and manoevers.
Hindu conditioning will see Govinda in that statue and a 'Christian' one, may see Jesus and so on.
ALL these events.. and the experiences, ... when seen choicelessly, without judgement, without acceptance or rejection, without approval or condemnation, will bring about a transformation in the body that undergoes the events, and bring the Energy of Understanding; otherwise such experiences merely become mental undertakings and one continues to remain in the stranglehold of mind, the divisive consciousness, without the flowering in Division-free Awareness.
I am very happy that you asked these questions. This is indeed the Swadhyay phenomenon — first step of Kriya Yoga.
Also, please see Message 75 for deeper understanding of the whole process.
Jai Balaji - Jesus - Allah - Divinity - Division-free Awareness