Paris 16.6.2023
Profound contemplative movements of perceptions, following a deep meditative process occurred in the dimension of Freedom from mind, while reading slowly, word by word, J. Krishamurti’s (1895-1986) spontaneous utterance stated below:—
‘‘The moment we want to be something, we are no longer free.’’
To be a Catholic, a Protestant, an orthodox Christian; a Shia, a Sunni, an Ahmedia,
a Pathan, a Mongolian, an Arab, a Turk, a Sindhi, a Punjabi, a Kashmiri, a Bengali,
a Malayali, a Pakistani, a Bihari, an African, an Egyptian, a Tamil Muslim; a Brahmin,
a Kshatriya, a Vaishya, a Shudra Hindu; a German, a French, an English, a Russian,
a Japanese, a Burmese, an Israeli, an Indonesian, a Dutch, an American, a Canadian,
a South American, a Greek, a Marwari, a Gujarati, a Gandhian etc. etc. endlessly !!!
Is it possible to be aware of our conditioned involvement of wanting to be something of such sorts, which lead to a bondage, denying us absolute-unconditional-freedom ?
Jai JK’s Spontaneous Utterance.