Written Messages

Guruji's Written Messages

Message 488 - Religion versus Spirituality


  Jamshedpur  9.6.2023


 1) Religions are many.

     Spirituality is one.


2) Religion is a man made set of dogmatic rules, rituals and belief systems meant to be followed.

    Spirituality is a natural way of Life which questions everything man made to flower in Truth.


3) Religion keeps you amused and asleep through dead concepts and conclusions.

     Spirituality awakens your spirit to enquire, question and know by and for oneself.


4) Religion is for those who are always dependent on someone to tell them what to do and be guided always .

     Spirituality is for those independent and brave ones who are guided by their insights.


5) Religion thrives on fear and greed.

    Spiritual life is born of freedom and grace.


6) Religion is based on ideas about GOD.

    Spirituality is to be available to Godliness in daily human life.


7)  Religion does not like to be challenged or questioned.

   Questioning deeply to destroy all conditioned thoughts emerging from the psychological structures of man – i.e. mind, and to flower in one’s own independence is the essence of Spirituality.


8)  Religion divides humanity on various pretexts.

     Spirituality provokes one to wake up to see the unity of Life in all forms.


9)  Religion always wants your unquestioning belief in some authority.

      Spirituality wants you to trust and have an ever questioning spirit of enquiry to awaken by and for yourself.


10) Religion demands following – of a sacred book, or a priest, or a guru.

      Spirituality sets one free of all concepts to flower in one’s own knowing.


11) Religion feeds on fear and greed, punishment and reward.

      Spirituality rests on trust and surrender, freedom & compassion.


12) Religion is based on dead thoughts.

      Spirituality thrives through Ever New Insights


13) Religion feeds and breeds the ego.

      Spirituality destroys the ego and transcends the mind to touch Life within.


14)  Religion says renounce the world to realize ‘God’ based on its particular belief system.

 Spirituality encourages us to engage in this world fully with the attitude of a guest ( Atithi Bhava) knowing that everything here is divine.


15)  Religion fills us with dreams of glory and paradise in a distant heaven out there.

       Spirituality invites us to wake up to the possibility of making this earth a paradise, here and now.


16) All Religions have their foundation in Time – the past & the future.

       Spirituality is an expression of the timeless presence of Life – Eternal.


17) Religion promotes infinite becoming based on its beliefs and ideas about heaven, next life, life after death etc.

      Spirituality is immortal as it rests on the eternal being-ness of One Eternal Life in all.


18) Religions are based on rewards and punishment ,past life and next life after Death controlled by a ‘GOD’ in a non existant distant future.

      Spirituality wakes us up to the divinity within and engage fully in living, facing the various challenges in one’s own daily life to discover the beauty of Life,here and now in-spite of mortality of the human body.


19) Religion says that we humans are sub-divine and must go through spiritual experiences to know divinity and attain God or Godhood, later.

     Spirituality wakes us up to see the ever divine Eternal Intelligent Life expressing itself within us in all forms around us immediately.


20) Religion is based on repetitive reactions from one’s own conditioned memory and cultural inputs – rotting in Pratikirya.

   Spiritual life is based on ever new immediate responses from one’s own energy of understanding  - Living  Life in Kriya.


21) Religion is the Dhara process – Centrifugal and always directed outwards .

      Spirituality is the Radha Process – Centripetal and directed inwards- towards Life Eternal- Krishna.


22) A man of religious rituals may or may not be spiritual, but a man living a life of spirituality is perhaps the most religious.



Jai Spirituality





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