Paris 7 April, 2023
A disciple (Shishya) in the energy of understanding wrote as follows:
“I was pondering over this question –What is the purpose of life? Undoubtedly, purpose of life is to live.
But this question generally comes to those who feel loneliness and emptiness, who found life monotonous, meaningless and boring. For them, "to live" means to live always in fear and greed, in chaos and confusion, competition and conflict and sorrow and suffering of the mind. By asking this question, such people may want to know some way out of the darkness and emptiness of life. They are living in the darkness of ignorance as they have never seen the light of Wisdom and the Existential Joy. So, after hearing this answer such people may be in more confusion, disappointment and frustration….
Baba, You say that Guru-process is the process which dispels the darkness of ignorance of the disciple to make him/her available to the light of wisdom.
So, in the direction of dispelling their darkness of mind and just to make them know that there exists a Life of Existential Joy beyond the darkness of mind, can't we say that purpose of life is – "to live in the Existential Joy" in place of "to live" only?”
Please see the following:
1. The Energy of Understanding has to dawn in one’s body spontaneously. When that happens the body will live life from moment to moment without the hang-ups of past conditionings that cause the greed and fear and all the accompanying and consequent problems.
2. To one who is not yet in Swadhyay and Understanding, sentences such as “The purpose of life is to live in existential joy” may, perhaps, be as obscure as “The purpose of life is to live”; and though it may lead to different concepts - still, they would only remain as concepts.
3. But, to the one who is in Kriya (Swadhyay and Tapa) there will come a day when understanding blasts their mind-ego complex and it will become apparent that mind (psychological) and “I” do not exist. Then phrases and sentences like “Purpose of life is to live”, “Coming out of the Corridor of Opposites”, “Being in a state of Choice-less-ness” etc., will not just be realised (IMMEDIATELY and without words), but Lived. The Kriya-Process (which IS the Guru-Process) will dispel darkness.
4. When a child tries to stand up on its own, wise parents do not give a hand in support, because when the legs gain sufficient strength to bear the child’s weight, it will stand up naturally. But the parent is nearby to ensure that the child is not hurt. So too, the All-compassionate Guru has to allow the shishya to discover the Truth by and for himself (when the mind is sufficiently still). And just like a parent, he is always by the Shishya to ensure that he is not hurt.
Jai Guru - Jai Shishya