Written Messages

Guruji's Written Messages

Message 467 - The 4 Ts

India, 22 February 2023


The 4 Ts

The Guru often mentioned the 4 Ts which are important in the life of a Kriyaban. These came up even during the satsang of Feb 19th, 2023. When it was realised that there is no Message on these, it was decided that one dedicated to the 4 Ts would be useful to share this amongst a wider group of Kriyabans.

The 4 Ts for a Kriyaban are like sutras, in the true sense of the word; Simple and yet profound in meaning . Verbalising the profound sanctity of the 4 Ts is impossible. Please meditate on each of the 4 Ts and let the essence penetrate from beyond the words. The 4 Ts are also shared with new Kriyabans at the end of the 3 day Kriya yoga initiation program. Kriya initiation is like a spiritual re-birth for a new Kriyaban and the significance of the 4 Ts are emphasized as an aspect of ‘Kriya’ life.

Whether a Sat shishya (i.e disciple in the Energy of Surrender to the process) has heard of the 4 Ts or not, such a person would live the 4Ts. They define the very essence of the Guru-Shishya non duality.

The 4 Ts are:



Time together



Trust: (Trust in the Guru Process)

Trust is childlike and innocent in its complete surrender.

When there is trust there are no two.

Trust is not of the mind and hence free of motives, expectations or cunning calculations.

Trust is virtuous.

Trust cannot be taught - it is a Divine Grace

Trust is not belief. Belief is a stupid activity of the mind to console itself and consolidate its image of itself as a devotee of a god made by itself.



The first touch is when the Guru touches the chakras during initiation. This is the beginning of the spiritual re-birth for a new Kriyaban.

The touching of the Guru’s feet by the Shishya (the namaskar) , the Guru being the embodiment of the Guru process , and the loving blessings (Aashirwaad) transferred when the Guru touches the Shishya

Namaskar, when done with true surrender and devotion to the embodied Guru Process, brings about an emptying of all desires (including that of moksha or liberation). It is a salutation to the Supreme Intelligence that graces a Satguru’s body.

The outward action of Namaskar done without the energy of understanding is yet again an image building exercise of the mind.


Time together:

Time spent with the Satguru (the embodied Guru Process) immensely helps a Satshishya. The Guru is Fire that burns the mind. The Guru is also the sound of Silence. The Guru is a loving mother and a loving father, who protects the Shishya from the activities of the mind-ego complex.



There is no teaching, really, except perhaps teaching of the kriya techniques - the tapah. The rest, i.e the Swadhyay teachings, the satsangs and messages, is really sharing the wisdom of life and living between the guru and disciple process . The word ‘Teaching’ has been used for poetic symmetry.

If there is real listening when the Guru Process shares the energy of understanding, then the blast of understanding in the Shishya is immediate and simultaneous.

The teachings should be read or heard as often as possible  as if reading or listening for the first time without the baggage of past memories , ideas and concepts  because for the Satshishya, each listening results in a fresh understanding.


The 4 Ts, understood through meditation, and practiced with sincerity and devotion, will further help the virtuous cycle  of Swadhyay and Tapah and ultimately blasting into ‘Ishwarapranidhan’, the awakening into a dimension of non-divisive consciousness.


Interestingly, the 4 Ts can be conveniently translated into the 4 ‘Sa’s in Hindi language for the benefit of Kriyabans who don’t speak English as :


T – Trust – ‘Shraddha’

T – Touch – ‘Sparsh’

T – Time together – ‘Samaye’

T – Teaching – ‘Shiksha’ 


Jai Guru-Shishya Process

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