Paris, 20.02.2023
Hunger in the body vis-a-vis Being confused in the mind. Freedom from hunger vis-a-vis Freedom from confusion.
When we feel hunger, we take all steps to get food. We may beg, borrow or even steal, if required. Hunger is the live-feeling, direct perception in our body-cells, bone-marrow. It is the natural intelligence of the body – not any intellectual, conceptual affair of the mind.
Now, let us consider the problem of confusion in the mind. It is more serious, much more destructive. Breeding ground of confusion is conditioning during our upbringing --- as Hindu, Muslim, Jewish, Christian, Mongolese, Japanese, Chinese, Whites, Blacks, French, English, German, Spanish, Portuguese, Aryan etc. etc. almost limitless !!!
But confusion of the mind is much more difficult to manage. And it leads to divisions galore among human beings, leading to the monstrous culture of killing and being killed, resulting in horrible world wars.
So please take all steps to be free from confusions in the mind, much more seriously, to get rid of all divisive factors among humans -- such as various belief-systems & bigotries, various idiotic psychological images about each other, all the cunning calculations and secret motives, based on vanities and vested interests.
Confusion of the mind can be transformed into clarity of Life through knowing the self, ‘me’ holistically through the process of Swadhyay and Tapa of Kriya Yoga. Let all divisions generated by mind & its confusion vanish and Veracity of One World Emerge in Full Excellency.
Jai One World