16 June 2022.
Continuing Shri Ramakrishna’s direct perceptive teachings, complimented by the core of Kriya Yoga Energy of Wisdom.
1) One devotee asked Shri Paramahamsaji – Is it true that a dip in the Holy Ganga river, liberates One from his/her sins?
Shri Ramakrishna smiled and said : ‘’Yes, the sins jump out of your body and wait on the trees on the shore. And when you come up and dry yourself the sins again jump back on you!’’
The beauty of Shri Ramakrishna’s acute sense of humour can be seen. Without disrespecting the popular Hindu belief-system, he pointed out that freedom from the ugly sins of ‘mind-I’ with its vanities & vested interests is entirely a different process of deep introspection leading to the awakening of enlightened energy of pure understanding and wisdom and, thereby, flowering into the Holy Dimension of Life-Love-Divinity.
2) Sri Ramakrishna had said: —
Perceiving the One God Supreme — the Life Eternal — may manifest as so many fanciful gods of Hindu belief-systems. But these are like zeros only, after the number ‘1’; increasing the value of One God enormously, by leaps and bounds. This is Shri Paramahansaji’s beautiful parable regarding One God and many gods.
3 The Maharaja of Mysore invited Swami Vivekananda to his Palace and was showing him big paintings of his fore-fathers in the Main Hall. He was influenced by Christianity of the British Raj and was ridiculing Hindu’s Idol-worship. When he respectfully showed the painting of his father, Swamiji asked: ‘Can I spit on it’! The Maharaja was furious, took his sword and was going to behead the Swami! But Swamiji Vivekananda smiled and said: — This is not your father, but just an Idol and you were criticizing Idol- worship just now!
The Maharaja was ashamed, and he apologised.
Now, let us complement the teachings of Shri Paramahansaji with the core of Kriya Yoga Energy of Wisdom.
Truth is a pathless land. Man cannot come to It, through any organization, mission, creed, dogma, priest, ritual, philosophical knowledge or psychological technique. Man has to find it through Swadhyay Process, through the mirror of relationship, introspective dissection, through pure observation without the dichotomy between observer and observed, and not through intellectual analysis or dissection which, of course, is very useful in matters technical and day-to-day practical living. Insight into the activities of ‘I’ is most important. This timeless insight brings about a deep, radical mutation in the divisive consciousness (mind) and in the separative psyche ‘I’. Total negation of the separative psyche ‘I’ is the essence of the positive! Only then there is love, compassion and the Intelligent Omnipotence.
Jai Wise Perceptions