3rd June 2022
Some Parables from the life of Shri Ramakrishna Paramahamsa alongwith commentaries thereon as per Kriya Yoga Energy of Understanding.
1) A famous Hindu philosopher and social reformer, Keshab Chandra Sen once went to see Shri Ramakrishna Paramahamsa.
After the greetings Keshab Chandra Sen said, "I don't understand why even well-read people and scholars of the scriptures are not free from worldly attachment".
Ramakrishna replied – Eagles fly high in the sky in pollution free environment but from there also their eyes are always focussed towards the earth in search of dead animals.
2) Once a person told Ramakrishna that he does puja and chants the name of God more than a thousand times daily but he has never seen God.
Ramakrishna replied – Have you seen a plant of Cannabis? Can you get intoxicated just by saying “Cannabis, Cannabis” a thousand times? You must drink it after crushing and grinding its leaves.
Similarly, only chanting names of God again and again is of no use. Godliness is revealed to one who is free from worldly attachment and in whom meditation happens effortlessly.
3) One religious scholar wanted to become a Guru and wanted to be blessed by Ramakrishna for the same.
Ramakrishna said – Generally our schools have a map of India. Seeing Kashi as a dot on the map, a student cannot claim that he or she has visited Kashi.
Further, when a fire burns, the moths come automatically. Fire does not invite moths. Similarly, a guru does not go about inviting others, but many come to him for burning their Ego. Ants gather where sweets are available.
4) One devotee asked Ramakrishna, "What is the mark of a man who has become perfect (Siddha)?
Ramakrishna replied – He becomes as soft as a Siddha potato (This is a pun on the word Siddha which has two meanings– boiled and perfect). The hardness of Ego disappears.
5) How can a spiritual person live in this mundane world? – asked a devotee.
Ramakrishna replied – So long as the tadpole's tail does not drop off, it can live only in water. When the tail drops off, it can live both in water and on land. Similarly, he whose tail of ignorance has dropped off, can dive into the sea of divine bliss as also live in the world, as he pleases.
Commentaries on the above on the basis of Kriya Yoga Energy of Understanding:
1) Scriptures (mind) do not touch the sanctity of Life and Love.
2) Freedom from mind is flowering in Life.
3) Wanting of mind does not bring about wisdom of Life-Divinity.
4) Burning pride of mind is the benediction of the advent of piousness of Life.
5) Let hard ego disappear to appear as holy enlightenment.
6) Let ignorance of mind -‘I’ drop, for the dawn of immensity of Life-Divine.
Jai Sri Ramakrishna Paramahamsa