Written Messages

Guruji's Written Messages

Message 260 - Contentment



6th May 2013



This is the translation of Message 259 which was in Hindi. The translation has been done by another devotee, name Kamakhya Prasad.


All the utterances of a Sadguru are for benevolence of human being if they are listened by a human body in a state of surrender and understanding. But it is seen that some take the utterances to their literal meaning, others accept or reject them according to suitability of the utterances to their previous knowledge and conditioning and very few delve into the deep inner understanding of the utterances. Perhaps blessings of Guru- process lies in the deep inner understanding of the utterances and Guru wants that to be revealed to everyone equally but it does not happen just like a tree coming out of one seed bears different fruits due to nature of the soil. Guru does not say anything to anyone. He is like a divine profound fountain which is flowing continuously to quench the thirst of truth-seekers. It depends upon the human body how deep he or she can delve into the divine fountain for getting blessings and to be blessed.


Mind is matter and inanimate whereas life is sentient. As long as there is “I” and the inherent “I”-ness, mind wanders continuously and endlessly and when mind is not still, how can there be right conduct, awareness, understanding or life?!  There will be only endless pursuit of becoming and getting more and more. How strange is this contradiction that some disciples who have the opportunity to be with the Guru often and listen to his utterances have not been touched by life! Perhaps while hearing, their minds are engaged in accepting and rejecting the utterances and listening in totality does not happen.


Recently a disciple told Guruji about ups and downs of his life journey. He knew that Guruji did not provide hope and solace but still it was not a hopeless situation. So he narrated his story as “Gurudev, livelihood of my family is somehow managed by my job. But there is every possibility that my boss will expel me from that job and in that situation what will happen to my family?” and then looked towards Guruji blankly. Guruji uttered spontaneously: “The one who plans to expel will himself be expelled.” In due course of time it was learnt that his boss was expelled from his job and the disciple was posted in his place with higher responsibilities. After some time Guruji also came to know that the disciple was still not happy as he was promoted but his salary was not increased.


Here is a sweet story. A businessman was crying and saying that he had incurred a loss of Rupees 10 lakh. Later on his wife told smilingly that actually her husband had expected a profit of 15 lakh but he got 5 lakh only and therefore he considers it a loss of 10 lakh.


Is this life a game of profit and loss? In this life is there any value for benediction, blessings and natural flow of life? Discontentment always remains for what is not acquired or achieved. Is it possible to be free from discontentment in the corridor of mind? Never; because discontentment is the product of mind and mind-ego matrix is always in agitation to get more and more. There is no gratitude for what has already been got but there is always crying for what has not been possessed. Only when this truth is seen can one dance in joyful living of contentment.


Epilogue :


  1. Sunandaji: You mean I did not hear you since the last twenty years.

Krishnamurtiji: It does not matter. For listening one day is enough. While hearing you were only reacting. You never heard Krishna.


  1. Awakening to each movement of polluted thought is Swadhyay. Einstein’s famous formula is E=mc2 wherein E=Energy, m=mass and c=velocity of light. But for kriyabans, this may mean:-

Energy of Understanding = method (kriya abhyas) x contemplation2 (profound swadhyay)


  1. Is observation without observer – i.e. without the burden of memory – possible? If yes, then this is the beginning of Swadhyay and this is the only door that gives access to Holistic Awareness or Godliness.


  1. If one wants to understand his inner conflict, he will have to be awake to his thought process and will have to be available to the fire of seeing. None other can help in this process. Nonsense of psychologists can do nothing. For this understanding one needs extraordinary patience and un-fragmented fortitude.


  1.  Ponder over these:

           I am light to myself, I have no guide, no psychologist. I will not be available to the exploitation in the Ashrams of so called Gurus. I will have no connection with such people. Where there is fragmentation, there is corruption. I do not want to be trapped in jugglery of words but want to remain with facts. Seeing of facts is to be with “What is” in total awareness i.e. in full attention and love. So I will stay in facts with total love.


  1. If work is done for the result then doership comes in and if there is no anxiety for the result then that doing becomes flow of the Intelligence.


  1. Thoughts cannot bring fundamental transformation. They merely embellish and peripherally adjust the current state. The state of awareness in no-thought is the only way to bring about the highest and holiest of transformations – and this is a radical change.


8.  Simple Sanskrit is the holiest language:

      Sanaatanatwam pratikshanam asti,

      Sanaatanatwam asmin kshane asti.

      Ayam kshanah na gatakaalasya pratibimbam,

      Naapi gatkaalasya bhavishyakaalam prati nirantaragamanam.


i.e. Immortality is in every moment,

      Immortality is in this very moment.

      This moment is neither the reflection of the past,

      Nor the continuous movement of the past towards the future.


9. Organised religion is fraud that separates mankind from mankind. Truth is not free there but entangled and camouflaged in concepts and belief systems. There are false propaganda, compulsions and claptrap in the name of conversion of religion and that is why the culture of killing and being killed is found everywhere.


10. Benevolence, righteousness, veracity and seeking of truth are possible only in the state of freedom.    One can not remain in understanding and veracity while entangled in organised religion and fettered in belief systems.


11. Ideals are immoral and imaginary. They prevent understanding of “I-ness”. A human being is one who is not burdened with belief-systems and one who loves all.


12. Emergence of wisdom is not possible without ending of roots of ignorance. When illusion is known, then truth is revealed - and then there is ecstasy, not ego, there is dance, not dominance and there is fathomless joy, not flattery. 


Jai Contentment.

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