Paris - France
3 Jan. 2014
A Kriya Yoga Program to be held in the second week of this month at Ranchi, is being arranged enthusiastically by Kriyabans of Ranchi --- the capital of the Jharkhand state of India --- under the initiative and guidance of Girija Shankar Verma, an elderly & dedicated Kriyaban. Now the initials of this name - G.S.V. - indicate "God Speaks Veracity" through his body! His lifelong companion (wife) suddenly and unexpectedly passed away. And still he is firm that the Kriya Yoga Event must be held as per schedule without any cancellation and change. God (Divinity - the division-free, choice-less Awareness) is speaking veracity (truth, the courage to face 'what is') through the body of Mr. G.S.Verma.
'Religion' comes from the Latin word 'religare' which means 'to connect'. Religion is thus the gathering of energy of understanding to connect with 'what is'. But unfortunately the word 'religion' usually means to remain amused and confused in the entanglements with all kinds of stupid mental undertakings of 'what should be' - the borrowed second-hand harangues from books, priest-crafts and charlatans of the spiritual market.
Life is never born. Life never dies. It is all-pervading eternal existential vitality and veracity of Divinity.
Let us ask the following questions to ourselves. An awakening - deeply religious - may perhaps happen thereby.
1. We are ideational beings. Is it possible to be a functional being, without that false fragmentation 'I' interceding?
2. No one can help you and you cannot help yourself in matters deeply spiritual. So why not remain holistic in helplessness; in surrender?
3. Is it possible not to separate us from the opposite-free Awareness and thus not generate an entity which is not there actually?
4. Is it possible to understand that we are in a state of samadhi when we are in the state of not knowing anything about the unknowable?
5. Can we be honest, decent or decorous to admit that nothing in the content of our consciousness is ours; that everything is taken from outside?
6. Can we understand that we are all in the same place of life - the natural state? And that we are running away from the place and asking others where this place is?
7. Is it not true that our only job in life is to shut up? To shut up this separative psyche, this 'I'; to remain in Intelligence?
8. Is it possible never to compare oneself with someone else?
Let us now understand that,
1. Thought has no value whatsoever, except for the purpose of communication.
2. Movement of truth (what-is) cannot be captured or contained or used to advance vested interest and vanity.
3. There is 'nothing' to understand! There is only Energy of Understanding. All 'things' are mental!
4. When there is no want, there is no thought!
5. Rely on 'no-self'. Be in confidence without self, not in 'self-confidence'!
6. Hallmark of Intelligence is in the dissolution of all questions, except the technical ones.
7. Thought separates us and isolates us from 'what-is'. It tricks and traps us into 'what should be'.
8. Let us have the courage to be alone in our walk into wisdom of no-'I'.