Paris - France
14 Dec. 2013
An intelligent and highly educated young girl, Muslim by birth and upbringing, participated in the recent authentic three days' Kriya Yoga Initiation Programme held in Delhi from Friday 8 Nov. to Sunday 10 Nov. 2013. Let this beautiful person be saved from the perversity of Taliban-minded people who may like to punish her for two "crimes"--- for receiving not only high University education, but also the initiation into "Un-Islamic" Kriya Yoga.
Let us begin by remembering some profound contents from the Holy Quran:
1) Afalata kinun.
This asks why we don't wake up in the energy of our intellect and understanding.
2) Afalata dabbarun.
This asks why we don't dive deep in the meditative phenomenon of our Awareness.
3) Afalata fakkarun.
This asks why we are not in wakeful Awareness --- free from wicked activity of egotism and selfishness --- in the peaceful energy of light and Divinity. Benediction and insight of comprehension and compassion is supreme --- not borrowed and interpreted concepts and conclusions from any book however held as Holy. Adequate response based on quiet understanding is necessary in every situation --- not assertive or arrogant reactions from mental undertakings.
4) Now let us recall an utterance from Holy Prophet Mohammed as found in Hadis:
Man arfa nafsu fa khad arfa rabbu.
This implies "He who knows his self (separative psyche 'I' dissolving to dawn into Life --- the real SELF) knows the Lord".
A recent issue of 'Time' magazine reported the following figures: ---
Christianity - 2.2 billion
Islam - 1.6 billion
Hinduism - 1.0 billion
Buddhism - 0.5 billion
Communism & other - 1.5 billion
If we understand the following propositions, then there would be only Humanity --- no humbug of self-centered activities under the banner of religion. Religion actually implies gathering of all energy to understand "what is" and not wasting the elegance of that Energy by running into "what should be" in accordance with the brain-washings available under various religious mafias.
a) Cross of Christianity conveys us to cancel (horizontal line indicates cancellation) our 'I-ness' (vertical line indicates the 'I') to be available to Holistic non-divisive Awareness which also includes separative consciousness just for performing the daily tasks.
b) Islam means Peace, again meaning negation of 'I'-ness --- not the pursuits & paradoxes of 'I' under any banner.
After the towers had collapsed and had settled along with the rubble and ash, a document was found in the baggage of the one of the September 11 hijackers which reads as follows:
"--- Purify your soul from all unclean things. Tame your soul. Convince it. Make it understand. Completely forget something called "this world". Pray the supplication as you leave your hotel. Pray the supplication when riding in the taxi, when entering the airport. Before you step aboard the plane, pray the supplication. At the moment of death, pray. Bless your body with verses of scripture. Rub the verses on your luggage, your clothes, your passport. Polish your knife with the verses, and be sure the blade is sharp; you must not discomfort your sacrifice.
Remember they may be stronger than you, but their equipment, their security, their technology --- nothing will keep you from your task. How many small groups have defeated big groups by the will of God?
Remember, this is a battle for the sake of God. The enemy are the allies of Satan, the brothers of the Devil. Do not fear them, for the believer fears only God.
And when the hour approaches, welcome death for the sake of God. With your last breath remember God. Make your final words 'There is no god but God!' "
This is the most perverted and paranoid aggrandisement and the most vulgarised affirmation of the shoddy little 'I' (in the name of 'God') --- the false fragmentation in our inner psyche!
Can Islam be rescued from the interfering Mullahs and Imams?
c) A Hindu is a 'Undo'! Undoing his bondage of conditioning! Undo the bondage of the notorious priest-craft and innumerable belief-systems! Yoga (non-fragmented awareness or Chaitanya) --- not Viyoga (fragmented consciousness or Chittavritti) --- is the real Hinduism.
d) Buddha is wisdom --- not the second-hand wishful ideas of Buddhists. Buddha was not Buddhist. His followers are. Following is the continuity of the false fragmentation 'I' in the inner being.
e) Let communism emerge in compassion and comprehension without the crooked and conspiratorial activities of the 'I'-ness.
f) In the 'Time' issue dated Nov. 18, 2013, it is stated that according to a recent science-journal, there are 8.8 billion existing planets that are similar in size and temperature to Earth. And we are one of almost 7 billion humans on this planet. But we are so important and great that many stars and planets are managing our 'destiny' and we are controlling them by putting on rings, jewels, and stones on our fingers!
g) Pope Francis from the Vatican has recently uttered:
'We have to say "thou shalt not" to an economy of exclusion and inequality'.
In an attack on global capitalism, he urged world leaders to help combat poverty. He also called for the Catholic Church and papacy to reform and become more merciful. Let us bow down to this Holy Pope.
Because of heavy and hectic programs, messages could not be written and sent to Kriyabans for a long time, although deep connections with all, through the Energy of Understanding, continued unabated.
Jai New Kriyaban