Written Messages

Guruji's Written Messages

Message 287 - Human Conditionings – the Eighth One



Asheville, North Carolina, USA,

August 12, 2014


We are accustomed to measurement in the functional-technical world which is indeed so beneficial. When we construct a bridge or a house, an airplane, a submarine, a spaceship, a highway, a shopping mall, and so on, there are meticulous and careful measurements galore in so many dimensions. 


But when this centrifugal affair is dragged in the centripetal, it becomes notorious and nasty conditioning, giving rise to complicated psychological problems.  We run into a horrible area of comparison, competition, envy, fear, cravings, jealousy, intolerance, illusions, ache, agony, pursuits, paradoxes, and what not. 


‘You’ are tall, ‘I’ am short

‘You’ are white, ‘I’ am black

‘You’ are handsome and beautiful, ‘I’ am not

‘You’ are a manager, ‘I’ am a clerk

‘You’ are rich, ‘I’ am poor

‘You’ are successful, ‘I’ am a failure…and so on. 


Are such psychological measurements necessary?  Are these needed for our peace, protection, progress and prosperity?


Find out by and for yourself.  Be a light to yourself.  Don’t belong to a flock of sheep to remain in the stupidity of the so-called “social values”!


Some Perceptions:


1)   Love never dies through separation, never.  If at all, it does so through too much proximity.

2)   Ninety percent of language is an avoidance of love in relationship.  We created a great wall of words to hide the fact of fragmentation (‘I’-ness) in our relationship.

3)   Love is Sacred Art.

4)   Don’t feast; don’t fast.

5)   Find out an area of the brain which has remained untouched by the pursuit of becoming!  This area is available to the Source, to the Ground.

6)   Experience-structure or ‘I’-ness, entangled in vanity and vested interests, cannot touch this Existential Vitality, Virtue and Veracity!  All “your spiritual experiences” are stinking shits!

7)   Insight belongs to ‘None or ‘No-One’!  “I” and “you” belong to all bullshits!




Jai “No-Measurement”

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Kriya deconditions and sets the seeker free from the past karma. It transforms fundamentally the gross ego-centre of the seeker into a subtle individual uniqueness which also includes universality. It brings harmony with the wholeness of life by piercing through the ignorance of the ways of self. 

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