Written Messages

Guruji's Written Messages

Message 286 - Bhagwat Gita – Verse 5, Chapter 15


Asheville, North Carolina, USA,

August 11, 2014


During the recent retreat at Delhi a spontaneous discourse happened on verse 5, of chapter 15 from the Bhagwat Gita. It was felt that this was so profound that it should be written as a Message and shared with all those many who could not attend the retreat.  This message has been written by a devotee par excellence in India.


The verse:


Nirmaanamoha jitasangadosha

Adhyatmanitya vinivrittakamah

Dwandwyrvimukta sukhadukhasangai

Gachchantyamoodha padamavyayam tat


The meaning of the verse: 

Devoid of infatuation with “I”-ness and having overcome the pollution of attachments as also with a constant watch over self-centered activities, along with an absence of ambition!

Liberated from all choices and opposites and having gone beyond all pleasures and pains, Energy of Understanding in oneself goes beyond all inadequacies of the mind and thus arrives at That:  Ground Immeasurable and Un-nameable. 


Perceptions – Beyond the words:


The question is not ‘How’, but ‘When’.  And the answer is when there is purity of observation without the dichotomy between the observer and the observed, when there is the Insight without any trace of “I” whatsoever.


1.       When awareness is so intense and complete that all centrifugal activities of the separative “I”-ness are spotted the very instant they arise it brings about an immediate end to the very “I”-ness and with that attachments drop, ambitions end for there is no one to run into attachments or aversions or ambitions.

2.       When there is an end to separativeness there is also an immediate end to all opposites as, when “I” is not, ‘my’ pain is not; nor is ‘my’ pleasure. Who will feel the pleasure or the pain; the pride or the humility; the attraction or the aversion?

3.       What remains then is Nothing. And this Nothing is Everything. “I” as mind ends for Life to be. And this Life is Wholeness: Manifest as well as Unmanifest, Indivisible.  Only “Nothing” or “No-thing” is spiritual. All things of the thought – even the thought of God and spirits – are rabidly material.

4.       And this State of Emptiness is Meditation most profound where there is no one meditating and nothing being meditated upon – just meditation; perfect stillness.

5.       This Emptiness is the Ground in which All rest. The Param Dham! The God is not the stinking garbage of the mind.

6.       This is not the god that rewards and punishes according to the rules of priests. This is not that god who exhorts ‘his’ followers to kill and be killed to enter a heaven with beautiful virgins!

7.       Intelligence cares two hoots whether ‘you’ (mind) understand this or not. It cares two hoots whether or not you ‘seek’ to understand the most Profound.



Jai Insight

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