22 February, 2021
Dear Guruji,
Somehow there is an energy impelling to write to You, and at the same time there is a tremendous emptiness that is just alright with staying still.
Yet, writing happens as a sign of gratitude to You.
After today´s Satsang, as in all Satsangs, silence was enormous, the words coming from You with all the wonderful wisdom shattered whatever was there called mind. Sunday after Sunday You just keep blasting us all. How tremendously lucky we are and it seems that You are every Sunday pushing us going deeper and deeper. It is like our limited mind is being blasted again and again, so that LIFE becomes more and more vivid, more clear. The pseudo veil is being lifted, mind is being exposed through comprehension, understanding; and mind’s "reality" loses strength for the only Reality to be unveiled.
Thank You very much for exposing us to Truth, for helping us to See, to remove the blinder from our eyes. How much learning and understanding comes from You, it is immeasurable!
After having heard Your words, I just went outside to the terrace, lay down on the floor tiles; the Sun was shining warming up the body, the eyes were looking towards the sky and some flocks of white clouds were passing by, and the gentle cooling breeze; a sense of gratitude was there. I must write Guruji, and it was so!!
Once more, Thank You very much my Dear Guruji, the Light that enlightens us all.
To That very Rarity That You belong.
With my fore head on the floor I bow to YOU.
Jai Devotion-Bhakti Yoga