21 Feb. 2021
There is a devoted disciple in Jamshedpur, India who performs his Kriya practice regularly with the right spirit of non-doing. He reads a message daily religiously and meditates on that. During the Corona lockdown period he had successfully completed "144 Pranayam for 12 consecutive days".
He is a senior official working in a private bank and is responsible for several states in the eastern part of India. Recently (19th February) he was to launch a new initiative of the bank in a remote branch of Jharkhand state. He drove to the place where he was to perform these duties and after finishing his work he was driving back to Jamshedpur. Suddenly, for reasons unknown to him, he failed to see a big trailer right in front of him and crashed into it at high speed. The air bag deployed but he lost his consciousness for some time. When he regained his senses he found that he was in his stationary car with the bag pressing him to his seat. He could smell something burning in the car. So he immediately switched off the car and came out of it. Then he saw that the front part of his car was smashed badly. And he could not believe that he had not been hurt at all. He was in a state of shock.
Later, relating the incident to Guruji, he sobbed like a child and thanked him for saving his life miraculously.
Guruji then replied spontaneously that this ‘miracle’ happened because the disciple deserved protection. Such ‘miracles’ happen to the body where there is the surrender process and flowering of ‘no-I'. Miracles are not performed by the Guru personality but happen due to blessings of the Guru-process and Kriya Yoga which guarantees Peace, Protection and Prosperity to a true Kriyaban. Divinity declares this in Bhagavat Gita also as
" Teshaam nityaabhiyuktaanaam yogakshemam vahaamyaham." 9/22
1. Blessings are not given. They are drawn by the disciple just as a rain forest forces the rain cloud passing over it to rain down on it. The cloud is helpless because the properties of the forest are such.
2. Conditioning is so strong in the human mind that even in a devoted disciple there is still a tendency to attribute the protection of the Universal Intelligence to a personality. However, once it is understood that it is the Process that protects and not any personality, a complete ‘let-go’ may happen in the disciple’s body. This complete ‘let-go’ results in tremendous Energy of Equanimity and at the same time the disciple as a person, is available to a ‘dual state’ in his selfless surrender in love for the Guru as a person, though the Disciple Process and the Guru Process are the same.
3. The Peace, Protection and Prosperity that the Guru Process talks about are:
a. Peace: Energy of Equanimity
b. Protection: Energy of Awareness that there is nothing to be done except in a strictly scientific sense. (For example, here, the disciple must get himself examined medically to understand why the blackout happened that caused the accident. This is a purely technical issue). The sense of protection enables one to remain in a state of vulnerability and alertness against the re-emergence of mind and its mischiefs.
c. Prosperity: The Energy of Understanding enables One to appreciate the material things which One has already, and thus prevents One from chasing after what is not available. When this happens in One’s being, One is ever prosperous.
Jai Surrender