7 Dec. 2020
Well-known History Scholar and Researcher Prof. Reza Aslan’s book.
Presenting below a brief summary of the book about the conspiracy of the Roman Catholic Church converting Jesus Jewish into Jesus Christ — thus influencing the horrible hogwash catholic man on the planet called Hitler to kill six million Jews (Jesus) to uphold the jejune jargon of Catholics stated as ‘Jesus Christ’.
Stephen died outside the gates of Jerusalem by the stones thrown at him for his blasphemy. Buried with him under the rubble of stones was the last trace of the person known as Jesus of Nazareth! There was not any death of Jesus on the cross, made perpetual by parody of suffering and pity along with Roman Catholic claims that he died for our sins! All the concomitant priest-crafts of the Catholic churches everywhere in the world including the game of confessions and conversions — Vatican, Pope and what not — are the products of Roman Empire. Jewish enthusiast Saul became a Catholic convert renamed as ‘Saint Paul’ standing at the gate ‘Heaven’ screening good church-going catholics to enter, to be with ‘God’ and ‘His son’ ‘Jesus Christ’. All this was scrupulously manufactured through ‘Gospels’ from 100 A.D. to 800 A.D. whereas Jesus died in 33 A.D. And thus Jesus the Jew, Jesus the Zealot, Jesus of Nazareth was erased; making him to masquerade as ‘Jesus Christ’ to keep the Christians amused in fancy and fantasy, generated by the church.
Religion is indeed gathering of energy to see ‘What is’ —- not to waste energy in speculating ‘what should be’ in accordance with one’s upbringing, conditionings, cultural inputs and religious brain-washing.
Jai Jesus