31.10. 2020
This Message has been written based on meditation after reading a book by Prof. Reza Aslan “The Origins and Evolution of Islam”. The professor is a scholar of History, had studied at Harvard University and at the University of California, Santa Barbara.
It is not a summary of the book, but an awareness that came after reading it, on the similarity of all religions and the trap, that they essentially are, of Belief Systems.
All religions, without exception, have the following things in common:
They claim to be revelations of ‘God’ directly to either one or several ‘prophets’.
They claim to be the only true revelation.
They insist that all believers must follow the tenets of that religion.
Almost all of them have subsequent additions to the original scripture/s written by so-called scholars/ saints whatever they are called in their different religions. These may be the different parts (over 100) of the bible, the various hadiths of Islam or the various shrutis of Hinduism. In each case, these too claim to be direct revelations of God.
Indeed, this body has often said that the Bhagwat Gita is spoken directly by Divinity. That too is perhaps this body’s Hindu conditioning speaking.
Divinity does not have any tongue to speak. The spoken or written word is always a verbalisation of that which is beyond verbalisation. Divinity is unknowable. It cannot be touched though it can indeed penetrate one’s being and ‘reveal’ itself as an emptiness beyond all time and space (where all material things, whether energy as we know it or matter, are subject to eternal change). It is the attempt to verbalise this revelation that often creates religions.
Belief Systems (religions) undergo change too since they are not That Un-nameable, Un-knowable. Hence depending on the gunas of the humans where these beliefs originated, some religions tend to create more violent followers than others and vested interests (who are not concerned with religion) often use these traits and tendencies in the followers of such religions to further their own interests through acts of terrorism etc. These in turn lead to reactions from others instead of response. Unfortunately, religions have followers. Followers cannot have the flower of Understanding blooming in their body. And unless this understanding flowers in one’s body, by and for oneself, only following can happen.
Perhaps the closest verbalisation of Divinity emanated from the body of the sage Vyas when he wrote the Bhagwat Gita and in that sense alone perhaps, the Bhagwat Gita is the revelation of Divinity. But even here, there are embellishments created around it with stories of Ganesh scripting it to Vyas’s dictation and so forth. Humans just cannot let go of beliefs. This is the way the Human Psyche is.
In modern times, shorn of all allegiance to ANY religion whatsoever, perhaps this verbalisation has happened best through the body of Jiddu Krishnamurthy, this body’s darling. And thank God it is available directly from his mouth through various recorded speeches due to the availability of modern technology.
For there is no such thing as ‘God’! Only Godliness - Holistic Division-free Awareness - Divinity, right inside each human being - available through the Inner-Journey or ‘Radha’ (not ‘Dhara’, the outward) process of Kriya-Yoga.
Jai Divinity
Jai Krishna