Written Messages

Guruji's Written Messages

Message 385 -   Concluding 20 verses of the 61 — Suggested by the respected Western Intellectual : Divine Melody (Bhagwat Gita) thus proceeds



 29 April, 2020


Krishna spoke:


42. Verse 13, Chapter XII

Let there be no animosity-hatred in you. Offer friendship and compassion to all living beings. Give up thoughts of ‘’I’’ and mine’’. Welcome both pleasure and sorrow alike, and endure all things with patience.

43.Verse 3, Chapter XIII

I am the Knower of fields in all fields, Arjuna; knowing clearly the features of the field and the power of the Knower, is the profound knowledge of humans.


44. Verse 24, Chapter XIII

Those who wake up from the silly activities of the myth mind to the wisdom of Life and its Energy-Understanding; those who are in the dimension of ‘’Is’’-ness, are not born again, in-spite of whatever his present situation of living.


45. Verse 25, Chapter XIII

In the profound dimension of deep meditation one may get a glimpse of the SELF in-spite of the limitations of the conceptual self. Or, one may approach through Saankhya (Swadhyay) together with yoga (Kriya-Yoga) of action.

46. Verse 7, Chapter XV

A fragment of Me, may hold a small form and may acquire sensory perceptions and as their co-ordinator - the mind.


Krishna spoke describing demonic people:


47. Verse 12, Chapter XVI

Hope, with its hundred snares, binds them, and desire and anger preoccupy them. The strive for vast hoards of wealth by illegal means in order to fulfil their vain desires.

48. Verse 13, Chapter XVI

I have gotten this much today, and next I will get this wish fulfilled too. This wealth is mine, and that too must be mine. And I must have more, more, more in the future. (Jai Bill Gate and other billionaires)

49. Verse 14, Chapter XVI

I have killed this enemy today, and I will kill others as well. I am the lord here. I enjoy myself. I am successful, powerful, and happy!


50. Verse 15, Chapter XVI

I am rich and well-born. Who else can compare with me? I will perform flabbergasting ceremonies and performances. I will give lots to the poor. I will enjoy myself! - Ignorant fools talk like this!


51. Verse 16, Chapter XVI

Obsessed by their innumerable worries, they are caught in the web of delusions. Amused by their gratifying and infatuating desires, they fall headlong into a polluted hell!! ( Jai Chinese and other powerful Authorities)


Krishna spoke:


52. Verse 20, Chapter XVIII

The Same One Divinity - Imperishable, Eternal, in Wholeness - is connected in all beings of all forms. A Satvik Yogi wakes up to this wisdom!


53. Verse 37, Chapter XVIII

That which at first seems like poison but which in the end is like nectar - such happiness is rooted in clarity (Satvik)  and arises from the peace that comes from insight into the psyche I and  its activities.

54. Verse 46, Chapter XVIII

That man finds enlightened bliss of understanding, when he performs his duties, as if worshipping HIM Source of this existence pervading the Universe.


55. Verse 58, Chapter XVIII

With your thoughts on Me, you will be able, by My grace, to overcome all difficulty. But if, in your egotism, you will not listen, then you will perish.


56. Verse 62, Chapter XVIII

Go to Him as your refuge, Arjuna, with your whole being. By His grace you will reach that eternal abode, that supreme peace!


57. Verse 63, Chapter XVIII

Such is the wisdom that I have taught you, the most secret of secrets! Consider it fully. And then do what you wish.

58. Verse 65, Chapter XVIII

Direct your mind to Me. Direct your devotion to Me. Make your sacrifices to Me. Give Me your homage. Thus you will come to Me. I promise this to you truly, for you are dear to Me!


59. Verse 66, Chapter XVIII

Abandon all the Organized Religions - products of vanity and vested interests and cunning calculations of shoddy little minds with all their mischiefs. Embrace and surrender to Me. I shall release you from the sins which you might have committed inadvertently. Do not worry at all .

60. Verse 73, Chapter XVIII

Arjuna spoke:

Confusion has departed, Krishna. And, by Your Grace, my Energy of Understanding has been fully revived. I am firm now. I will do as you say.


61. Verse 78, Chapter XVIII

Sanjaya spoke:

Wherever Krishna, the Lord of Yoga, is; and wherever Arjuna the archer is, there will always be good fortune, and victory, and prosperity, and steadfast guidance. This I know.



Jai the Chosen Verses of Melody Divine


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