26 April 2020
In this message, let us consider the next 20 verses for pondering over, as has been advised by the Western scholar par excellence.
22. Verse 28, Chapter V
Krishna spoke:
A Sage Yogi’s (even as a householder) senses, thoughts, insights are all restrained. He is committed to his absolute and unconditional liberation from the stranglehold of his mind. In him, desire and fear and anger have vanished. He is indeed free.
23. Verse 12, Chapter VI
Krishna spoke:
With whole attention on the point between the eye-brows, restraining any diversion, one is required to practice (Kriya) Yoga to purify the pollutions in the mind gathered from environment around.
24. Verse 18, Chapter VI
Krishna spoke:
In Yoga, craving for excitement and pleasure (invariably followed by depression and sorrow) vanish, and One is calm to consider the mischievous movements of the self (‘I’-ness).
25. Verse 19, Chapter VI
Krishna spoke:
A (Kriya) Yogi does not waver, just as a lamp does not, where there is no wind. Wicked activities of the mind has nothing to do with the wisdom and calmness of Life.
26. Verse 21, Chapter VI
Krishna spoke:
Joyful existence that is beyond mind, is perceived only with insight, not by the separative psyche ‘I’. When One (yogi) knows this steadfastly, he never wanders from this truth.
27. Verse 22, Chapter VI
Krishna spoke:
And when a Yogi has obtained this truth, he understands that there is nothing greater to be obtained than this. Then he is steadfast in this truth, no sorrow disturbs him, no matter how heavy it is to endure.
(Note: An amusing and illustrative parable that exemplifies this verse will be shared in Message 386 later)
28. Verse 24, Chapter VI
Krishna spoke:
Yogi abandons all desires, without exception, that arise from vanity and vested interests. In him all the mental agitations which may appear, from time to time, due to circumstances, are completely restrained.
29. Verse 25, Chapter VI
Krishna spoke:
Slowly but surely a Yogi settles down and comes to rest with insight firmly in grip. He then directs his awareness to the SELF at the Bramharandhra and remains in ‘’Is’’-ness —- nothing else whatsoever.
30.Verse 14, Chapter VII
Krishna spoke:
Veil of illusions of ‘’I’’-ness or mind’s conditionings is inherently generated according to categories of (four) Gunas, by Nature (that is, natural, in-born traits and tendencies). An unexpected sudden glimpse of perception of this truth in One’s being (perhaps through Gurukripa — or Divine-grace) is the only way!! One then takes refuge in Me — the Otherness, the Inconceivable!!!
1. Commonly known are three Gunas; Satva, Tamas and Rajas. However, there is a more subtle fourth one - Gunateet (beyond the Gunas). More on these, along with another anecdote will be shared in Message 386 referred earlier.
2. The Me (with a Capital ‘M’) referred above and in several verses to follow, is The Otherness, The Unnameable, The Universal Intelligence, the A-causal
and not a shoddy, stupid personality)
31. Verse 23, Chapter VII
Krishna spoke:
The mind has little wisdom or no wisdom at all! Only wicked activities and cunning calculations!! Those who worship ‘’gods’’ of their mind, will go to those ‘’gods’’!! But those who worship Me, will merge in Me!!
32. Verse 22, Chapter VIII
Krishna spoke:
But Arjuna, Divinity Supreme; Ultimate Freedom, absolute and unconditional; is revealed only to the One (Yogi), who is in unique & unparalleled devotion. Within Him whole existence, all beings, rest and by Him all this Universe is wonderfully woven!!!
33. Verse 26, Chapter IX
Krishna spoke:
Just a leaf or a flower, or a fruit, or a little water - whatever is offered to Me with devotion — I gladly accept it, because it is offered in a state of self-less-ness.
34. Verse 31, Chapter IX
Krishna spoke:
Devotee commits himself to duty and righteousness, and he enters into eternal peace. Dear Arjuna, understand this well : - no one who is devoted to Me is ever lost to Me.
35. Verse 34, Chapter IX
Krishna spoke:
To Me should your mind be directed , to Me your devotion aimed, to Me should you make your sacrifices!!! Pay your homage to Me! Disciplining yourself in this way, you will come to Me!I will be your ultimate refuge!
36. Verse 10, Chapter X
Krishna spoke:
Because they, humans in devotion, worship Me with unfailing yoga discipline (‘Kriya’ Practice) and then with love, I give them the yoga of insight (‘Swadhyay’ energy of understanding) by which they will, of course, come to Me.
37. Verse 11, Chapter X
Krishna spoke:
Out of compassion for Yogis, and with the shining light of Insight, I destroy that darkness which is a product of their separative psyche ‘I’ and its activities — to enable them to rest in Me.
38. Verse 42, Chapter X
Krishna spoke:
But Arjuna, it is of no use to know all of this. It is enough if one understands that with one small portion of Myself, I have propped up this entire Universe, and still am with you as your friend and charioteer.
39. Verse 4, Chapter XI
Arjuna Spoke:
If you think that it is possible for me to see you as you really are, O’ Lord of Yoga, then please show your Eternal Self to me!
40. Verse 12, Chapter XI
Sanjaya spoke:
If the light of a thousand suns were to suddenly arise in heaven, that would be like the radiance of this Great Being!
41. Verse 33, Chapter XI
Krishna spoke:
Therefore, rise up and attain your glory! Conquer your enemies and enjoy your successful kingship! In fact, I have slain them all already, long ego. Simply be the instrument by my side!
Epilogue: Dalai Lama’s words :
1) Emotional disarmament (ego dissolution) is Essential.
2) Humans can conquer, anger, panic and greed
3) We have universal responsibility, as the entire world is interdependent. Let us bloom in compassion and help.
4) Wars and other terrible events pass. Corona virus will also pass to re-build our global community.
Jai Blooming in Compassion