Written Messages

Guruji's Written Messages

Message 382 - Is human mind - ‘I’, a ‘’virus’’ of the worst kind?



22 April 2020


In a recent issue of Timemagazine, the following information is available :




Civil wars


World war II


World war I


Vietnam war


Post Sept. 11 ‘’War on terror’’operations


Covid-19 estimate (with social distancing)



(* Note: Death above refers to deaths in U.S. territories or of U.S. citizens when in territories outside the U.S.A.)


An amazing question is arising:Is not human mind sacred, vital, holy and virtuous, helping humans to live together in happiness & harmony ? Or, is it only a kind of ‘’virus’’ which is much more virulent than the tiny Covid-19? Corona virus may soon be controlled by Medical scientists by developing vaccines and by other measures. But when will wisdom wake up in humans to live in Life and Love Divine - socially, nationally, internationally ?


The characteristic of a virus is that it is an organism that requires a host to survive. Without a host body, the virus cannot last long. Indeed, it is this principle that is being adopted when doctors recommend physical distancing between people, frequent cleaning of hands and surfaces etc. to prevent the rapid and devastating spread of the epidemic.


In this sense psychological thought (to differentiate it from technical thought), which is nothing but a bunch of reactions arising from conditioning and in-born traits and tendencies of humans, is indeed a virus. 


When the connection of life in a body ends, thought dies. It cannot survive without a human body. If the thoughts of long dead personalities survive today, it is because there are sufficient hostbodies of humans for those thoughts.


And like a virus which mutates, or modifies itself, so do these thoughts.


And perhaps, like physical distancing and hand washing are ways to prevent the entry of  a virus like the Covid-19 in a human body, the kriya processes of Swadhyay (distancing from the outer to see the inner) and tapas (cleansing of the subtle body) lead to Ishwara Pranidhan (Freedom from thought and Ifor the Wholeness to be).


Jai Humanity

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Kriya deconditions and sets the seeker free from the past karma. It transforms fundamentally the gross ego-centre of the seeker into a subtle individual uniqueness which also includes universality. It brings harmony with the wholeness of life by piercing through the ignorance of the ways of self. 

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