Written Messages

Guruji's Written Messages

Message 381 - Profound pondering on “What is love?


7 April, 2020


Profound pondering on “What is love?’’ — received from a senior Kriyaban from Jamshedpur (India) — being forwarded to all with blessings & love.

Guru Shibendu Lahiri Ji says: “Love is life, Love is Godliness”.

Saint Kabirdas Ji says: Pothi Padhi Padhi Jag Mua, Pandit Bhayo Na Koye, Dhai Aakhar Prem Ke, Padhe So Pandit Hoye. (No one becomes wise by reading scriptures; but those who wake up to the one word "Love" are indeed wise.)

What is the meaning of this word “Love” when we make use of it? What does a lover, husband, wife, sister, brother, father, mother or a friend mean when he/ she says: "I love you”? Generally, he or she means - “I am anxious for you” or “I feel comfortable with you”. Or, yet again, “you are mine”; “I possess - have control over - you”.

The root of this so-called love is fear of isolation. To escape from this fear of isolation or loneliness, an individual feels the need of attachment with a man or a woman or an institution or an idea. Thus this “love” creates bondages and it is nothing but a good name for our self-centered activities; our selfishness. Suspicion always remains behind this love - like a shadow. Whenever one sees his wife or her husband or a friend laughing and talking freely with someone else, immediately suspicion pops up, jealousy arises. This “love” is of the mind and not of Life. Mind always remains in past or future and it never stays in present. This leads to clinging to the pleasant experiences of the past and shunning of the fears of an unknown future. This leads to dependancies and in turn need for someone or something to cling to, whether a person or a belief. Heavy conditioning, rooted in the separative consciousness, has distanced man from his natural state. With the evolution of the strong separativeness that is the characteristic of human beings, this species is now unable to even see the laws of Nature. Understanding of living in harmony with Nature has been lost.

Is this the Love that the Guru or Kabir ji talk about? No!

Then what is that love? That Love is a state of no bondage, no expectation, no attachment, no suspicion whatsoever - a state of innocence; of benevolence to all Life. Non-violence - in thoughts, words or deeds - is the essence of that Love (see Sage Patanjali Yama Niyama). Consciousness free from expectation of getting something in return, is the realisation of that Love within. Selfless action without any doer-ship is that Love. In that state of non-doership, the hands through which the doing happens are the hands of Godliness. Hands of people who help the needy selflessly and respectfully, are also hands of Godliness.

And when is one available to that Love? That love is obviously not available in churches which are cheating organisations or in mosques – being menace to humanity manufacturing 'Osama Bin Ladens' nor in any temple where Truth gets perverted by dogmatism. That love- the state of no bondage, no expectation etc - happens only when there is NO ONE to bind or expect. This is the state of no-mind. A state of Freedom Absolute. In that meditative state movement of thought ceases except as a response to a stimulus to the sensory organs. And then the movement of thought is in the dimension of “What Is”, free from the speculations of “What should be”. Then one is in ‘Yoga’ - ‘Life’; not in ‘Viyoga’ - mind. The separative ‘I’-ness then disappears, for ‘Is’- ness to dawn. The most scientific and straight forward way to let this happen is perhaps the Swadhyay, Tapas and Ishwar Pranidhan of Kriya Yoga.


Jai Love! Jai Guru!

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