11 Feb. 2020
1) Let us begin with ourselves to transform the world! Let the intention be to remain in the bliss of energy of understanding —- not in any borrowed mental undertaking whatever intellectual pleasure it may generate! Let there be the view of veracity of vibrant Life and the wisdom of ‘’no-mind’’, or ‘’vacant mind’’, not any vulgarity and wicked activity of the mind !
2) Question the experiencer and what is experienced! Expectation begets experiences and these, in turn, promote expectations. All expectations are ego-trips and these trips are in the wrong direction within the field of divisive consciousness —- the mind, the myth; not towards the Divinity, the division free Awareness or KRISHNA within us! Just listen to ‘’Swadhyay’’ talks. Listening is the Guru! And you will realize that the only spiritual life worth living is a life in complete psychological freedom.
3) Where there is ego, there is no freedom ! When one faces the truth of something, an ego-less-ness, an insight, a dissolution of ‘I’-ness happens! This explosion is meditation! See yourself in the mirror of the above words and see that meditation is ‘me-deletion’.
4) Man is God, for man is Life! It is truth, what is, that flowers in freedom —- not your efforts to be free! To be content with little is not comprehension, but to be free from little or from much is! In spite of violence, corruption, conflict in relationships, collapse of values and society being rapidly enslaved by entertainment industry, technology and mobile phones, it is possible to live in the living quality of Life —- not just as a miserable prisoner of the mind. Be sensitive, alert, caring and loving —- unconditionally. That is the only purpose of Kriya Yoga Program everywhere. Kriya Yoga is not religion, belief system, prejudice and bigotry of all kinds —- either of the ‘Right’ or of the ‘Left’! It is an exhortation!
Jai Exhortation