9 Feb. 2020
A senior Kriya Yogi from Bombay (India) has sent an e-mail which is reproduced below, as it is, as a Message for Kriyabans.
Jai Kriya Yoga
Jai Lahiri Mahasay
Respected Guruji,
I wish to share with you the transformation that I have undergone by practicing Kriyas. The seed was sown by yourself 18 years back. It was nurtured with love, devotion, sincerity and continuity by my husband and myself.
I faced a drastic and tragic situation in Ladakh in August 2017. In face of this utterly sad and unexpected situation, I found myself calm and balanced from within. I could take proper decisions at that time and there after only because of this balance. The calm that I experienced at that time rarely leaves me now. Sometimes I do face disturbing and tense situations but these ease out and fall in line without disturbing me much.
I used to get scared when left alone in a room not only at unknown places but in my house too. This fear was inexplicable but so intense that it possessed me as it were. After the demise of my husband, I found that my fear of staying alone in a room at night has totally disappeared. Now I can sleep alone at night not only in my house but anywhere. My relatives and friends who knew about my fear are surprised at this.
I was considered as a mature person by many people around me, which I too started believing in. Kriya practices made me aware of the immaturity within me. I became aware of the ego trips and investments of my mind. Slowly over the years, I feel that the stranglehold of ego is getting reduced slowly but surely.
The wrong and immature notions about spirituality started being obliterated by your hard hitting Swadhyaya.
The craving and wanting and getting are reduced considerably. I craved to travel all over India and abroad. Now I do sometimes travel but without craving for it.
I used to ask for something not mundane of course but pious and higher according to me while praying to God or Guru. Slowly I understood that it was my pious ego as it were. Now I ask for nothing while praying to God.
I am alone but not lonely. I can understand people around me, their feelings and the various situations in life in a much better way than before. The expectation from myself and from others is minimum. My life has become easier now and joyful from within.
I feel that I am being protected, guided and kept on a proper track. It was our great fortune to receive your Grace and benediction.
Many Pranam to You.
Jai Guru.
Veena Londhe.
Note :
1) Be in happiness and harmony by seeing ‘what is’, without slipping into ‘what should be’ of the myths & mischiefs of the mind which is the enemy of Life-Love.
2) The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself !
3) ‘I’-less-ness, that is, ‘Is-ness’ is the basic morality, dignity and divinity of Life.
4) Let rich people understand and Live simply so that the poor are allowed to simply live !