I - Chapter VII: Verse 24 -
The unintelligent think of Me as having manifestation, not knowing My Higher Being -imperishable and unsurpassed.
II - Chapter V: Verse 29 -
Swadhyay and Tapas are absorbed in Me - Supreme Divinity all pervading - Friendly to all beings. Know this and attain supreme peace.
Spontaneous flow of inspired perceptions from above two verses are recorded below:
Many years ago, I was being driven by car from east to west coast of U.S.A. I saw a big bird dying, shot by a man, fall to the earth. A dog fetched it, as the man was collecting dead birds for business, for selling to hotels and restaurants. Human beings are killing everywhere all over the world. Cruelty in every form is spreading. Churches and priests talk about mercy as a routine tradition. I wonder if man will ever live peacefully without killing, with Divinity and Love. Why has human living become a hell, an endless conflict from birth to death, coming and going, making money, working endlessly with its turmoil & travail. Striving is in the area of psyche, which has created this monstrous society and its vulgarity of ‘’values’’. Love has totally disappeared! Mind and its gratifications have taken over with its pleasures, desires, hypocrisy, jealousy, hate and anger. Death of all this; of the mind, is indeed birth of Life’s Awareness! I wonder if man will ever change, even if only a few, very very few! Why do we go on inventing gods, hierarchy of god’s representatives; and all the sham and the shame of it all.
The actual never conditions the brain, but the theory, the description, the abstractions do condition it. Mere possession of furniture will not condition, but the psychological investment in them will - just as Life does not condition but concept of a god does, whether belonging to the Hindus, Muslims or Christians, as they are projections out of thought, of fear, of pleasure and so on. The feeling, the perception of reverence is not a factor of conditioning.
The global feeling of all human beings and their inter-relationship, can only come into being when the words ‘nations’, ‘tribe’, ‘religion’ have all disappeared. The rivers anywhere in the world are just river. Identifications along with sentimental investments bring about division. There is tremendous advancement in the technical field. But this has not put an end to man’s selfishness, aggressiveness, competitive recklessness. We are well-informed — some more, some less - but inwardly we are very primitive, almost barbarous! Can any outside agency such as a ‘’god’’, a ‘’guru”, a ‘’psycho-analyst’’, a ‘’Temple”, a ‘’Mosque’’, a ‘’Church’’, a ‘’Synagogue’’ or ‘’Ism’’s help?
Freedom means to have no conflict, psychologically, inwardly. Freedom is the door to Intelligence, to ‘Is’-ness without any trace of ‘I’-ness. This is compassion and Love. Kriya Yoga and Kriyabans in this world can make a vast difference, let this fact be understood, even if not agreed to by people belonging to different belief-systems and various sects and cults thereof.
Everything seems to have a sound! The tree with its solitude has a sound! Silence has a sound!! A really good book has its peculiar vibrations of sound!!! I burst into ecstasy when I press on my right ear - the ‘’Bhagawat Gita’’ or ‘’Geetobitan ‘’ (Akhando) - Songs & Poems (in Bengali language ) by the Sage-poet Rabindra Nath Tagore. We may not like to read to all this as we are slave to the society. We have created our own vanity and vested interests.
The truth of all this, can be seen in an instant, when the mind-time does not intervene. Die every moment to mind to resurrect every moment and wake up in an extraordinary sense of immensity!
Jai Vyasa - Jai Tagore