Written Messages

Guruji's Written Messages

Message 369



July 20, 2019


A letter was sent to a dear Kriyavan whose body had been recently afflicted with cancer of the blood, technically called Leukaemia. The letter is reproduced here as a Message while keeping the kriyavan's name confidential.


Very dear ......


I was shocked and stunned to know that your body has run into blood cancer (Leukaemia in English, Leucémie in French). Disease is no respecter of any person. It comes to good as well as bad persons with equal virulence. Kriya Yoga, as you know, is the art of dying from moment to moment in the dimension of mind which is indeed the art of Living every moment in the profound dimension of Life-Divinity-Division free Awareness. The mind is myth — not real — even though valid, as it helps us in performing our daily tasks in the practical and technical area. So let us not be a victim of mind. Body is the gross mind and mind is the subtle body. These have a beginning  at birth and an ending at death. Life is neither born, nor does it die.


We are always a guest on this earth and let us have the austerity of a guest. Austerity is far deeper than just owning only a few things. This word ‘austerity’ has been spoilt by ‘monks’, by ‘sanyasis’, by ‘hermits’. We have broken up the earth as nations, as flags, as ‘’religions’’. Politicians enjoy their ‘powers’ by maintaining the divisions. They don’t want to look at the world as a whole. They never perceive the ugliness of powers and of their sense of importance, their tribal attitude towards life. They have no awareness that goes beyond the division of race, culture and ‘’religions’’ which man has invented. The divisive mind has to be told what to do by the '’priests’’, the ‘’gurus’’ as if they are gods on the earth. How long man ; who undergoes pain, grief, anxiety, fear, pleasure, conflict ; will take to live a Life in Sanity. Man of wealth with his gun, goes on casual killings, eating all kinds of animal (meat), drinking expensive wines as status symbol — how long all such stupidities will continue ? The roots of heaven are in great emptiness, for in emptiness there is energy ---  incalculable , vast and profound. Therein, is the ‘Omkar’ — no trace of ‘Ahamkar’.


Jai Life



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Kriya deconditions and sets the seeker free from the past karma. It transforms fundamentally the gross ego-centre of the seeker into a subtle individual uniqueness which also includes universality. It brings harmony with the wholeness of life by piercing through the ignorance of the ways of self. 

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