Written Messages

Guruji's Written Messages

Message 348 - A profound dialogue between a Sage father Uddalak and his eleven year old son Svetaketu


Ashram de San Martìn de Valdeiglesias
Spain, 30 march 2018


An unusual enquiry strangely emerged in the very young boy Svetaketu: Father, who am I?     

Normally a father, in such a situation would reprimand the child and say: What is this stupid question? Dont you know you are Svetaketu, just eleven years old, resident of this place, a Brahmin by birth, your mother and father are here with you, taking care of you, educating you? Don´t you know all this information?


The Sage father, however, cannot react like this. He has to respond at the deepest depth. There was a big banyan tree around. So father said: My dear son, please go there, pointing towards the tree, and bring a fruit of the tree.


Svetaketu brought it.

Then father said: Son, cut it.

Yes, I have cut it, son responded. 

Father asked: What do you see my son?

Well, a seed in the middle.

Son, cut it into half .

Yes, I have done so.

What do you see now, my son? , father enquired (banyans seeds are hollow).

Well, nothing!, son said.


Then, the Sage, pointing his forefinger towards his son, said intensely: Son, thou are that, you are Nothing!


Thereafter, the sage reflected: The whole Universe has come out of Nothingness, from a Big vibration in emptiness from Dance of Nataraja Supreme DivinitySHIVA!

Modern science says that the genesis of the Universe is from a Big Bang in utter Emptiness, generating the God-particle, quark, electron-neutron-proton, atoms, molecules, compounds, organic compounds, amoebas, the first throb of Life!. Then there was evolution over several million years, and emergence of all kinds of living forms ultimately culminating in the human brain and the upright central nervous system.


It is indeed a wonder that the ancient Sages, from that part of the planet called India, could visualize long ago, in their Energy of Supreme Understanding (without the scientific procedures), the same Truth which modern science has corroborated! The expressions were different: instead of a Big Bang, they said: Dance of Shiva. In a dancer, you cannot separate dance from the dancer and therefore the Sage said: The Dancer is the non-material Existential Energy (Spiritual) and the Dance is His material expression all the stars, planets and everything therein.  Thus was pointed that the spiritual and the material are the two sides of the same coin there are no two –‘Advaita!


This very same Dance of Shiva is in our being.  Life, Love, Division-free Awareness, Divinity is the Dancer. And the body, the mind and everything therein is an outcome of the Dance. There are no two, Advaita again!


Jai Sage!  Jai Shiva!





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