Written Messages

Guruji's Written Messages

Message 347 - The mystery and wonder of Enlightenment


Ashram San Martin de Valdeiglesias

Spain, 26 march 2018


Travelling by car to visit Avila, the Spanish city of St. Theresa of Jesus, the disciple-process was blessed with the Guru-process satsang and thus another Upanishad flowered in its full bloom.


Truth, which is Life, which is Love, is not to be learned from books neither to be reached by any effort or practice. Truth is always present as our inherent nature. Truth is our natural state and just has to be revealed by the silent dissolution of the “I”-ness. Mind is the covering, so mind cannot be the instrument for uncovering It. As the husk of the seed is dissolved by the action of the warmth and humidity of the mother earth, thus our husk, the mind, has to be dissolved by the Guru’s invisible love and care.


A young and worthy enquirer came to a well known enlightened Sage for the induction of the enlightenment phenomena in his being. When the Sage saw him, his potential for the bliss of enlightenment was very clear. But the Sage donated to him two hundred cows and suggested very affectionately that he may please come again when these two hundred would become one thousand cows. The initiation would be then be bestowed on him.


The young enquirer went away with the two hundred cows to another part of the forest and started to take care of them with so much love and joy. In due course, the number grew into one thousand and he came to offer them to the Sage.


The enquirer in the process got enlightened and a tremendous beauty of meditative silence was glowing in his whole being. The Sage embraced him and in spite of the two bodies, there were not two but just a unique process flowing into one another.

Thus it is clear that there are dimensions where commodities are not handed over from one to another, but an unnameable and immeasurable compassion and comprehension are naturally shared in their utmost sanctity.


Jai St. Theresa!

Note: For us, Kriyabans, Guru-process here does not ask us to “multiply cows”,

but to be in meditative Kriya Practices!

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