New Year Message, 1.1.2018
This is a Message where there has been a mysterious collaboration of the Guru Process and the Disciple Processes in several different bodies. The Disciple Process working in the body of the Russian co-ordinator suggested a meaning of SHIBENDU LAHIRI for consideration and contemplation of Kriyabans all over the Globe. The Guru Process and the Disciple Process working in the body of the international co-ordinator received insights. In the meanwhile the same Universal Intelligence working through the Disciple Process in the body of the Jamshedpur (India) co-ordinator and other devoted kriyabans there, actually LIVED the insights.
‘SHIBENDU’ may represent Sharing (of) Holy Insight; Bestowing Energy (of) No-mind (for) Divine Understanding.
‘LAHIRI’ may say Light (of) Attention Holistic (for) Induction (of) Reincarnation (of) ‘I-less’ ness (in human bodies).
1. Consider the following examples of the perpetually deteriorating nature of the stupid mind:
a) For generation after generation, humans had prayed to ‘gods’, ‘angels’, ‘saints’ etc; yet they continued to die in millions from starvation, epidemics and violence (world wars, crusades, Alexanders, Chengiz Khans, Nadir Shahs, Mohammed Gaznavis, etc.). Today, humans continue to remain divided in their so-called religiosity and continue to die committing suicides, killed by terrorists, criminals, racists, soldiers, obesities (thanks to food-franchises such as McDonalds, Burger Kings, Pizza Hut, Dominos and so on and on!).
b) It was horrifying when about 2.8 million French people - 15 per cent of the population - had starved to death between 1692 to 1694, while the Sun King, Louis XIV, was dallying with his mistresses in Versailles and ‘eating cake’. Today economists claim improved financial situation and prosperity everywhere. But this is a statistical lie in view of the fact that billions of people are just somehow dragging to live, on less than 2 Dollars’ wage per day and starvation figures are now 12% of the WORLD population (about 850 million people)!!
2. Is it possible to understand that mind —- the myth (except in technical matters) —- is the ONLY enemy of Life on this planet? Is it possible to wake up in the wisdom of Life (which we essentially are) rather than rotting in the stinks of shoddy little minds —- whether belonging to ‘Presidents’, ‘Prime Ministers’, ‘Multi-national Company Owners’, Computers’ and Robots’ wizards, Nuclear-Arsenals’ & Missiles’ keepers and so on & so forth ?
While the Insights were happening, on the eve of New Year (December 31, 2017) - which is the birthday of the body of the Guru Process - the Jamshedpur co-ordinator and his brother disciples organised a blood donation camp and a large scale Daridra Narayan Seva (Feeding of the poor and hungry). Thus while Mind continues to shed blood around the world,Intelligence of no-mind donated blood to save those in need and while extreme “I’-ness leaves 12% of the world starving, Emptiness feeds them.
Jai New Year Message
Jai Mysterious Induction
Jai Awakening of Awareness