Written Messages

Guruji's Written Messages

Message 342 - A Communication from Russia



26 Dec. 2017


An e-mail enquiry about Message 340 from Russia’s co-ordinator, is the source of inspiration for this message.


Russia may mean : ---

“ Resurrection (of) Understanding (the) Shoddy Separative ‘I’ (to) Abandon (it).”

‘I’ is very useful in technical and functional dimension; but psychologically, it blocks truth and the advent of Division-free Awareness in humans’ inner being. ‘I’ keeps us incarcerated in the superficial divisive consciousness (mind).

See ‘what is’, without the slightest tendency of seeking ‘what should be’ in accordance with the conditioning, cultural inputs and others’ ideas. Deep religiousness (not the brain-washings of the organized religions) is the righteousness.

Flute of Krishna symbolizes flowering in joyful, existential, absolute and unconditional freedom. Ego structure cannot intervene in this intensity of ‘is-ness’ or Insight. All Ego-trips are trips in the wrong directions.

Play the Flute or perish ! Also, like Krishna,  be in war, if required, for elimination of the wickedness. War is poison, but poison may also function as medicine to cure, as remedy in certain circumstances. Krishna is not a warmonger, nor a hawk. He is wisdom par excellence (as is evident in Bhagawat Gita) as also the Holy. When war became unavoidable, he just did not shirk his responsibility. Krishna is timelessness and eternity. Time is tension, time is anxiety, time is misery. Not the chronological time, not the biological time ; but the psychological time, in which the mind languishes, is the greatest curse for us humans. Freedom from mind-time is the greatest Enlightenment.


Jai Russia

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