September 17, 2017
An incident occurred in Satyalok in July 2017 when the Guru had come for Guru Purnima celebrations. The following message is an account of this by a disciple who witnessed this with Energy of Understanding and in whose body Swadhyay happened following this incidence. It is shared as all such Swadhyays are usually shared – as a Message
The Incident:
The courtyard of 'Satyalok', was in deep silence after the celebration of 'Guru Poornima'. As a few disciples, steeped in this energy of emptiness, sat in quiet contemplation, the Guru came in from the city where he had been visiting a disciple.
Seeing the disciples, Guruji too sat in the courtyard, outside the Temple and a satsangh began. The disciples sat around and listened with rapt attention to the spontaneous flow of fresh insights from the Guru. Among the disciples were present a young couple from Andhra Pradesh, some old kriyabans and a man dressed in the conventional attire of a Sadhu, with long beard and rudraksha beads around his neck.
Later, after the Guru went to rest and the disciples were preparing to go to their own rooms, there was a small commotion as it was discovered that the young couple had lost their handbag containing Rs. 4500, credit cards etc. “How is a crime possible in this holy environment?!” was the thought in everybody. A detailed inquiry into the sequence of events revealed, that the sadhu had left the place in the middle of the talk, though no one seriously considered him as the thief because of heavy conditioning.
The Guru was promptly given a complete report of the incident. The immediate response was, "The so-called sadhu has surely stolen the bag! ". He instructed two of his disciples to immediately locate the thief and get back the stolen goods. He further told them that if they felt force was to be used to recover the bag with its contents, they should do so unhesitatingly. The disciples promptly left to begin their task.
With the help of another sadhu, the culprit’s address was found. On reaching the ashram where the thief was staying, they found his room and got him to open the door. On seeing the two, however, the thief started shutting the door again. The disciples, however, forced the door open and confronted him. Threats of filing a police complaint with evidence from CCTV recordings resulted in the fellow surrendering the bag. It contained only Rs. 500, however, and further threats of physical force brought forth the balance amount and the credit cards from under his mattress. Taking charge of the bag with its contents, the two disciples returned to Satyalok and gave it to the young couple
The Guru received the disciples with folded hands and touched their feet, chanting:
'Paritranaya Sadhunam Vinashaya Cha Dushkritam .
Dharmasansthapanarthaya Sambhavami Yuge Yuge .'
He then embraced them weeping tears of joy, while all watched in awed silence.
1. We see three bodies here:
a. The bodies from whom the bag was stolen. These were bodies in slumber. The crime was possible only because of absence of wakefulness in their bodies. Sometimes due to conditioning we assume that crime is not possible in holy environments. (How can we forget that several diaries of Lahiri Mahashaya were stolen from this very holy place by the Guru’s nephew?)
b. The second are the bodies of the two disciples who recovered the stolen goods. These are the bodies in which the Arjuna (or Hanuman) process was working; bodies in surrender and beyond the concepts and conclusions of conditioning.
c. The third is the body of the Guru in which the Krishna Process was working; where dichotomy free wakefulness acts in emptiness and through other bodies (like his disciples) to maintain order:
“Paritranaya Sadhunam, vinashaya cha dushkritam,
dharma samsthapanaya sambhawami yuge yuge”
To protect the innocent and destroy evil, to re-establish what is right,
This Krishna Energy appears in every age as required”
2. The Guru touches the feet of his disciples and embraces them with tears of joy.
The action of the disciples at that moment was the action where the Hanuman energy (or Arjuna energy) was fully in action in their bodies. They were equally in the energy of surrender and emptiness and in this state there is no difference between the Guru and his disciple. The Sat Guru therefore bows to the Sat Shishya and embraces him with joyful tears! It is an extraordinary sight. It is a moment of great joy for the Guru and his disciples, but also a moment where extreme wakefulness is called for. It is so easy for “I”-ness to re-enter emptiness with thoughts such as “Ah! I am now in surrender”. Let us never forget: “I” can NEVER be in surrender.
3. "Sarvopanishado Gavo Dughdha Gopalnandanah.
Partho Vatsah Sudhirbhokta Dughdham Gitamritam Mahad ."
“If Upanishad is the cow, Gita is milk. Krishna milks the cow and Arjuna (disciple) is the milk-drinking calf.”
The energy of understanding as expressed in the various Upanishads is condensed in the Gita and is shared by the Guru. The Sat Shishya can share this understanding if there is wakefulness in his body.
Jai Wakefulness