Written Messages

Guruji's Written Messages

Message 337 - Some spontaneous notes during twenty days’ stay in India on the occasion of Guru Purnima.


 28 July, 2017


  1.       The urgent and desperate need for the human race is not the craving for extra-sensory ‘’ spirutual’’ experiences emanating from conditioned reflexes & cultural inputs received from communities, but the essential requirement is for mature & whole humans who are free from ego-centric attachments & aversions, from emotional imbalances & idiosyncrasies ; who are thus aware, awake, attentive and fully alive with sensitivity & creativity. The spiritual journey is to set ourselves free of the prisonhouse of ego ; it is not to make the prisonhouse more interesting and exciting by the addition of occult practices and psychic experiences.


2.       Maturity of enquiry is not an event, but the wholeness of being merging with the wholeness of ‘’what is’’. The perfume of ‘’what is’’emanates from the person. A tenderness happens in relationships. Learning in the dimension of Life (not mind) and growth towards the Grace of the ‘Otherness’ then continue unabated. Relationship then flowers entirely differently. Maturity of Love expresses itself in all its aspects. There is tenderness and compassion. The perfume of ‘’What is’’ flows without any projection of ‘what should be’.


3.       A poem to ponder over —-


a)       Blessed is he, who lives. And mind interferes not.

b)      Blessed is he, who loves. And possesses not.

c)       Blessed is he, who comprehends. And conceptualizes not.

d)      Blessed is he, who experiences. And clings not.

e)       Blessed is he, who is simple. And complicates not.

f)       Blessed is he, who is free. And binds not.

g)      Blessed is he, who does. And escapes not.

h)      Blessed is he, who has authenticity. But not authority.

i)        Blessed is he, who has transformed. But has no patterns.

j)        Blessed is he, who does not want. But yet he is taken care of.

k)      Blessed is he, who surrenders. And thus survives in bliss.
(‘he’ includes ‘she’)


4.       Understanding creates calmness within, but ego still remains clandestinely, waiting to hit back, to lash out giving rise to a mess around.


5.       In the midst of noise, one can live a quiet life. In the midst of the brutality of comparison, competition, aggression ; one can live in a simple, non-comparative, non aggressive way so that there are minimal psychological disturbances. Then sanity emerges in one’s life. And equanimity and balance become the wonderful qualities of daily living.

6.       See the ‘I’, the imbalance; then balance, equilibrium & equipoise emerge naturally. They must not be manipulated, manoeuvred.

7.       As the oxygen permeates the whole cosmos, so does the Awareness occupying an individual human frame of Guru Process permeate the Awareness of those kriyabans (Discipleship-Process) who are not prisoners of their ego. They may also understand the phenomenon of a Krishna, a Jesus, a Buddha, a Ramana, a Krishnamurti or a Babaji.


8.       In the dimension of humility, relationships are no longer horrible  ordeals. We have then the alertness to meet Life in all its rhythms, in all its unpredictability, ever new, ever mysterious. Why do you accept the authority of every silly thing, the society has created ?

9.       You are Free. You are not born to live in bondage, in shackles of the past ; you are not born to oscillate between attachments and detachments. You are born to live in Love.


10.   When I am aware that mental activity doesn’t lead me towards the deeper Understanding, I relax. That relaxation is the substance of surrender !


Jai Relaxation

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