Sept 3, 2016
Joel Perry, an ardent Kriyaban from the beautiful country South Africa, has requested for a message describing chantings in different vibrations along with explanations, wherever possible.
I - Six vibrations
Aum Na Mah Shi Vaa Ya
Aham (ego), dissolving in Aum (no-ego) and Ma-Na (mind) evaporating in Na-Mah (no-mind) giving rise to Shiva-hood (Vibhuti or Ashes) —- Division-free Awareness or Divinity. Divisive consciousness is burnt out, yet is available for performing daily technical tasks with perfection & equanimity.
II - Twelve vibrations
a) Aum Na Mo Bha Ga Va Te Vaa Su De Vaa Ya
No-ego, No-mind, leading to Divinity, Supreme Intelligence (Chaitanya-Krishna).
b) Aum Shi Ve Dur Ge Ga Na Pa Ta Ye Na Mah
No-ego, no mind in the dimension of Shiva Durga Ganapati
III Twenty four vibrations
a) Sri Krish Na Chai Ta Nya Pra Bhu Ni Tya Nan Da Ha Re Krish Na Ha Re Ram Ra Dhe Go Vin Da
b) Bo Lo Go Vin Da Jai Jai Go Pa La Jai Jai Ra Dha Ra Ma Na Ha Ri Go Vin Da Jai Jai
c) Jai Shi Va Shan Ka Ra Byom Byom Ha Ra Ha Ra Byom Byom Ha Ra Ha Ra Byom Byom Ha Ra Ha Ra
d) Aum Bhur Bhu Vah Swah Tat Sa Vi Tur Va Re Nyam Bhar Go De Va Swa Dhi Ma Hi Dhi Yo Yo Nah Pra Cho Da Yat (Gayatri Mantra)
Subtle and gross aspects of the ‘me-ness’ or ‘I-ness’ — their empirical sources encompassing the existence whole — belongs to Intelligence of the Supreme Divinity which is the same Intelligence in all humans in the natural state of Life. But as it remains obscured due to the domination of separative psyche ‘I’ over our natural state of Life, then there is the prayer ‘Prachodayat’ imploring the restoration of supremacy of Life over the ‘I-ness’, the ‘mind’, which must, of course, remain available for performing the daily technical tasks for food, clothes and shelter.
IV Thirty six vibrations
a) Aum Tryam Ba Kam Ya Ja Ma Hey Su Gan Dhim Push Ti Var Dha Nam ; Ur Va Ru Kam Mi Va Ban Dha Nan Mrit Yor Mok Shi Ya Ma Mri Tat, Ma Mri Tat.
This is an invocation to be available to immortality of Life. Life is never born, Life never dies and therefore Life does not bother about any past birth or future birth. They are the fascinating belief-systems generated by shoddy little illusion ‘I’ which desperately attempts to give itself continuity and permanency.
When this invocation is chanted by the so-called ‘Pundits’, the last Ma Mri Tat is not said. However, it was pointed out by Satyacharan that this is to be repeated twice to emphasise the immortality of Life as also to make 36 vibrations – indeed a holy number.
Jai Chanting