Bath, Michigan, U.S.A.
August 24, 2016
1. Why is it that mankind, in spite of amazing technological advances, continues to remain as barbarians propagating a culture of killing and being killed?
2. Why is it that man, in spite of being the best species on the planet, has proven himself to be the filthiest one by killing his own species in the millions and billions in world wars, Chengiz Khan, Nadir Shah, Muhammad Gaznavi, ISIS terrorism; through colonization, genocide, racial killing, religious riots, communism (under the banner of “revolution”). Conservative estimates cite 445,000,000 killings of Native Americans by British, Germans and French, etc. when they came to North America, combined with the Spanish and Portuguese in South America; so many killings occur under the banner of nationalism and many other “isms”.
3. Yet why is it that man has failed to learn anything in spite of all the horrors? Instead, he goes on installing nuclear warheads and missiles under the pretext of “defense”! Defense from whom?!
4. Why do 80% of humans starve and not receive the basic needs of food, clothes and shelter?
5. Why are we caught up with our mental pollutions such as greed, fear, envy, sorrow, stupid belief-systems, pursuits of pleasures, self-gratification along with concomitant despair, dismay, depression, ache and agony?
6. What is the impediment that prevents us from ridding our mental pollutions including guilt, conflict, inhibitions, obsessions, and hang-ups?
7. What can indeed be the Art of Living?
8. When is silence possible
9. Why compare the teachings that directly reveal the energy of understanding, with the mental undertakings, concepts and conclusions gathered from “gurus” and “religious scholars” of the spiritual market? Does comparison lead to comprehension? Is not passive awareness in the living quality of life much more significant and sacred than the pursuits and paradoxes of the myth called mind?
10. Is it possible to understand that positive thinking is useful in performing the daily practical and technical tasks? However, is it not a menace when we handle the mental pollutions such as greed, fear, and envy, by seeking solace through investments in all kinds of belief systems which generate obsessions, inhibitions and hang-ups? In such a situation, negative thinking is the highest form of thinking, so that the false is seen as false straight away and thus automatically negated. “I” serving as the protective mechanism of the mental pollutions is negated and dropped along with the consequent dissolution of the contents of the myth called mind. This gives rise to the benediction of Life and its energy of understanding, the Division-free Awareness, Divinity. Positive thinking strengthens self-centered activities while negative thinking is sensitivity par excellence and functions without words and symbols in the sacred dimension of ego-emptiness.
11. The flash of Insight is in the dimension of timelessness, and happens instantaneously. However, it may require chronological time to consolidate this energy in the blood cells and bone marrow in our being through Kriya Tapas.
12. Let us be available to the wisdom of water-in-the-valley spirit, and the feminine mystery of surrender to be available to the birth of Life. (Water flows down a mountain and naturally settles in the valley, undemanding, without any false ambitions of wanting to climb the mountain and remain on top. This undemanding acceptance of the natural state is the highest wisdom; the water-in-the-valley spirit.)
Jai Self-Enquiry