Written Messages

Guruji's Written Messages

Message 325 - Living Guru-Process



3 August, 2016


Truth cannot be learnt through words listened.  Let there be direct comprehension without formation of concepts or conclusions. Grace — not a scripture; nor a ‘guru’ —- reveals this live energy of Understanding without any mental undertaking whatsoever.

However, there is a role played by the Sat Guru, the one in whose body Truth is being perceived. Perhaps through the emptiness that is in the Sat Guru body, the Universal Intelligence acts and those who come in contact with him can feel this Energy and a form of induction takes place that helps to prepare the Sat Shishya to receive the flash of Understanding in his being.

One has to be in his presence from time to time for the induction to happen. When one is away from him due to one’s work etc there is no point in living with the memory of the last meeting. The memory is ‘me-ness’, ‘I-ness’, the separative psyche and its mischiefs in many forms! Time away is better spent in Swadhyay. The time spent with the Sat Guru would help this Swadhyay.

A wonderful devotee from Mallorca Island of Spain, has sent three quotations from the famous Osho phenomenon, which may please be pondered over deeply.

    1.      When I am gone, don’t be bothered with me; look for a living Master.

   2.      You will not be able to search for a dead Master. Easier it is, more pragmatic it is, to search for a living Master. But the difficulty with the living Master is that you will have to surrender!

   3.      Real religion is never in the scriptures. And a real religious seeker does not go in search of scriptures, he goes in search of a Master —- a living Master. That is one of the basic tenets of Kabir’s understanding – Sat Guru —- living Master. Go and search for a living Master! If you can come in contact with a living Master, then dead scriptures will become alive again. They become alive only via the living Master —- there is no other way, because the living Master is the only scripture!

Thus, remain in the joy of the Guru’s presence or remain in Swadhyay. Be available to a living Sat Guru.


Jai Sat-Guru

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