July 11, 2016
This message is a consequence of a communication received from a long-time devotee who listens with life, not merely with mind, and therefore learns intensely and instantaneously. It is not making a progress in learning and understanding. Progress is not always progressive! Revolution in the separative psyche ‘I’, in the divisive consciousness ‘mind’, is deepest dimension of Religion which reveals Division-Free-Awareness in the Natural State of Freedom. This is the re-incarnation when the myth ‘mind’ as also the illusion ‘I’ die, even though these entities still function in technical dimension, in the dimension of performing daily tasks, very satisfactorily.
Let us not waste our energy in affirming or contradicting according to our particular conditioning. Holistic Awareness has no picture, no image. It is chaste, innocent which does not receive hurts or give hurt; even though it is open, vulnerable. Twisted and tortured mind does not exist in the dimension of Awareness. Can we be aware of the mental trap in which we are caught? Then one comes upon, unknowingly, something which may be verbalized as ‘love’, ‘thatness’, ‘otherness’, ‘Emptiness’, (although words wipe out the essence) which ends becoming, for being to be. Awareness is sabotaged when choice appears along with stupid comparative judgments. Face loneliness of ‘I-ness’ to find aloneness or all-oneness! Words never meet wisdom which is existential energy. Beliefs never meet Bliss of Divinity. This is the state of flame without smoke.
Although the word ‘Swadhyay’ has been interpreted superficially as reading (Hindu) scriptures, its inherent meaning is very profound. It is a phenomenon in which one meditates on the contents of our consciousness impartially, without any interference from the ‘meditator’ —- the past pressures & prejudices of conditioning, desperately giving continuity to all this through projecting and postulating about the future. That is, one contemplates on ‘I-ness’ (Swa) without the ‘contemplator’ consisting of greed, fear, envy, anger, aggression, belief-systems supplying solaces of all sorts, etc.
All knowledge or contents of consciousness immediately split and project an ‘I’. This process is useful in technical matters, as ‘I’ here functions as coordinator and enables us to utilize the technical & practical knowledge to perform our daily tasks. But when ‘I’ appears in the inner contents of our consciousness, this split brings delusions and functions as the system to perpetuate the contents (greed, fear, belief systems, conditionings, cultural inputs etc which are all mental pollutions) which are the root causes of our sorrow and suffering, illusions and delusions. It is not that ‘I’ has greed, fear etc., but ‘I’ is all this greed, fear and other mental pollutions. So whatever ‘I’ does, it proliferates the ache and agony of mental pollutions. Energy of Understanding ends these activities of this false duality with dropping of this ‘I’ and the concomitant dropping of the mental pollutions giving rise to Emptiness, Wholeness, Holiness, Divisions-Free-Awareness, Divinity, Sakshi-Bhava. Otherwise, whole life and its living quality of benediction is wasted in entanglements with agonizing mental undertakings and psychological manipulations. One has to understand this basic Swadhyay teaching by and for oneself. This is the part I of Kriya Yoga. Here pure observation happens —- free from the dichotomy between observer (Darshak) and observed (Drishya) —- just Darshan (pure observation) continues effortlessly, without any sort of ego-trip under any pretext. Jai Swadhyay