Written Messages

Guruji's Written Messages

Message 321 - Some Pointers


12 June 2016



1.          It is only when One is free of exclusiveness, of subtle ego-trips on one pretext or the other, that there is a possibility to be sensitive —- to nature, to human beings and to the challenges which day-to-day living reveals to us.

2.          One who is religious, obviously does not belong to any religion, to any organized beliefs & bigotry, to any ideologies or idiosyncrasies.

3.          Organized religions and modern world go together, they both cultivate the separative psyche, the dullness of mind and its divisions; leaving the Life, the Love, the Holy, the Heart dismayed in suffering. This is the unfortunate part of our existence. And we produce a world that is miserable, confused, broken by wars, killings, torn by class & nationalistic distinctions.

4.          Let us be available to the mantle of Life —- not merely to the mischiefs and machinations of the mind.

5.          While walking in the early morning Shibendu once saw an owl perched within the leaves of a tree sitting motionless, eyes closed, round and big; reminding Shibendu of the statue of Yogiraj (king among Yogis) Shyama Charan Lahiri Mahashay in the Satyalok temple! According to Hindu belief-systems, owl is the favourite servant of Laxmi, the Goddess of wealth! Is that the reason for financial worry-less-ness among Yogis?!!

6.          Man is the only animal that brings disorder to this planet Earth. He is so ruthless and violent. He himself is in confusion and spreads this chaos in society and world around him. He has no compassion or comprehension although he constantly pretends so. He, as politician, is a gangster for power, deceit, setting groups and against groups. His economy is not universal, but very much restricted within specific areas by vanity and vested interests as also by self-centred activities. His society is immoral and tyrannical. He is not at all religious although he indulges in beliefs, worships and goes to Mosques, Churches, Synagogues, and Temples with their endless, meaningless rituals. Why is man so much in pretension and not in perception?  Why can he not wake up in the wisdom of energy of understanding? Why does he remain entangled in the wickedness of mental undertakings?

7.          Thought-knowledge cannot have an insight into the wholeness of life. Thought-knowledge has no place in perception. Ending of thought is the beginning of thinking! Freedom from borrowed knowledge is the commencement of knowing! Thinking and knowing are the dances in the division-free Awareness and in the choiceless movements in comprehension, without any interference from pre-concepts or pre-determined conclusions. This dance is the process of Supreme Divinity (Maheshwara) —-Nataraja or Shiva (Laya Yoga).

8.          Complete silence is the communion with one’s real self, the Life. The mind or the ‘I’ or ego-trip in any form, is then emptied totally; even though ‘I’ makes itself available humbly, whenever needed, in the technical world to perform daily tasks.

9.          So long as there is a centre creating a circumference around itself, there is neither love nor beauty. When there is no centre and therefore no circumference, then there is love! And in love, you are beauty. And this beauty is benediction!

10.      Man is the only animal to be dreaded because Division-free and Choiceless Awareness does not dawn in him. Man has the potential to be in this Freedom, which is not an experience; because the experience-structure (ego) can never touch it. Can man stop inventing gods, stop following the hierarchy of gods’ representatives in Churches, Mosques, Temples, etc…? Will all the sham and the shame of illusions continue unabated without any respite? Will the thousands of mental machinations get more and more complex, and intricate?

11.      Only Awakening of Intelligence (Chaitanya) along with freedom from separative psyche (Chittavritti Nirodha), can solve all human problems.


Jai Pointers

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