Written Messages

Guruji's Written Messages

MESSAGE 320 - Saamkhya or Swadhyay referred as Buddhi Yoga in Bhagawat Gita.


3 June 2016


As Saamkhya or Swadhyay is fundamental in waking up in the wisdom of Life, transcending the wicked activities of the myth called mind or of the illusion called ‘I’ (except for its functional value in the technical field for performing daily tasks); this Saamkhya or the Swadhyay process has been referred to in the Melody Divine (Bhagawat Gita) as ‘Buddhi Yoga’ and has been emphasized in various ways six times as indicated below:

I - Esha Tey Bhihita Saamkhye, Buddhi Yogey Twimang Shrinu. Buddhya Yukta Yayaa Paartha, Karma Bandham Prahaasyasi. (2/39)

II - Buddhi Yukto Jahaateeha, Ubhey Sukrita Duskritey. Tasmaad Yogaaya Yujyaswa, Yogah Karmasu Koushalam. (2/50)

III - Durena Hyavaram Karma, Buddhi Yogaad Dhananjaya. Buddhou Sharanam Anwichchha, Kripanaah Phala Hetavah. (2:49)

IV - Tesham Satata Yuktaanaam, Bhajataam Priti Purvakam. Dadaami Buddhi Yogam Taum, Yena Maamupayaanti Tey. (10/10)

V - Chetasaa Sarvakarmaani, Mayi Sannyasya Matparah. Buddhi Yogam Upaashritya, Machchittah Satatam Bhava. (18/57)

VI - Karmajam Buddhi Yuktaa Hi, Phalam Tyaktaa Maneeshinah. Janma Bandha Vinirmukta, Padam Gachchhantya Naamayam. (2/51)

Now, let us consider the literal meaning of the above verses dedicated to Saamkhya or Swadhyay sphere of our sacred energy of pure Understanding, without a trace of the travesty of mental Undertakings.

I - Insight or intuitive perception of the false fragmentation in our separative consciousness, is the advent for Division-free or Choiceless Awareness, the Life Immortal, the Divinity. In Saamkhya, there is the Creation Existential without the dichotomy between the ‘’creator’’ and the ‘’created’’. Saamkhya has a parallel in the modern scientific understanding (from Einstein of the conservation of mass (matter) and energy together). Saamkhya does not indicate any ‘’God’’ as the ‘’Chairman and Managing Director of Heaven Company’’! In Buddha, was the revelation of Saamkhya or Swadhyay process of knowing, perceiving without any interference from mental concepts or knowledge gathered from else-where. Mathematically, the word would have been Chaitanya-Yoga or Purusha-Prakriti (Chiti-Shakti) — Yoga. But mystically, the word ‘Buddhi-Yoga’ for Swadhyay (Saamkhya) fits well with the poetic rhythm in the melody Divine. Let us therefore comprehend that our Swadhyay talk prior to the Initiation day (when we learn the Kriyas) is referred to in Bhagawat Gita, as Buddhi Yoga. And due to its extraordinary importance to blast into the bliss and benediction of Divinity, it has been brought to our attention six times through verses quoted above.

II - When one opens up in the dimension of Insight (Buddhi Yukta), one is outside the corridor of opposites formulated by the mental concepts of right or wrong. And then one is in tune with the Omnipresence, the Yoga, which makes one perform his/ her daily duties too with perfection and excellence, without generating any conflict and contradiction at any level.

III - Getting entangled into some practice is far inferior to awakening of insight through Choiceless, Division-free Awareness which is indeed Buddhi Yoga. So, aspire for this Awareness rather than remain amused in wanting and getting the things of the mind.

IV - Those who are steadfast in Wakeful Awareness and thus available to love and devotion, without any interference from the ‘I’, the divisive consciousness; they are indeed available to this profound Buddhi Yoga, by virtue of which, Whole Divinity is revealed to them with profound bliss and benediction.

V - Let all your mental activities comprising of cravings, fears and belief-systems be wholly dissolved in the dimension of Division-free Awareness —- and thus do resort to Buddhi Yoga, in order to merge in the Immeasurable.

VI - Sages, renouncing all expectations and ego-trips through the insight of Buddhi Yoga, came out of all the bondages of body & mind to reach the Blessed State of the Ultimate Freedom.


1. An American Kriyaban reported that a Presidential Candidate displaying his disgusting egotism in every campaign, proudly declared: ‘’Show me a person without ego, and I shall show you a total failure’’. Let us now consider the following equations, suggested by a dedicated teacher from India:

                        Love + ego          = Attachment, Possessiveness.

                        Wish + ego          = Desire, Addiction, Craving.

                        Power + ego        = Domination, Exploitation, Conflicts, wars.

                        Sexuality + ego    = Lust, Pornography, Rape.

                        Talent + ego        = Vanity, Superiority complex.

                        Friendship + ego  = Dependence.

                       Humility + ego     = Servility, Inferiority complex.

                       Excellence + ego  = Rivalry.

                       Groups + ego       = Division, Extremism, Killings.

                       Thought + ego     = Worry, Anxiety.

                       Pleasure + ego     = Habit, Addiction, perversion.

                       Need + ego         = Greed, Covetousness.

2. When Buddha returned to the Palace after 12 years, his father lamented and said: ‘’What happened to you? You are the Prince; who, then, is this beggar standing before me?” Buddha responded: ‘’Yes, the house (body) is the same, but the Resident therein has changed’’.

3. Candles are different, but flame is the same. Living beings are different, but Life is same. Life is never born, Life never dies. Life is not interested in any after life or past life. It is the mind, the myth, the material process that speculates in accordance with the particular belief systems with which it is associated.

4. Renouncing family may make you a Yogi. But remaining in family, in meditative Awareness, makes you a Maha Yogi, an example of which was Lahiri Mahashay.


Jai Buddhi Yoga.

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