Written Messages

Guruji's Written Messages

Message 183 - Beatles' Swadhyay-song


February 11, 2010 

There is this bliss of 'none-ness' in our inner being, this wholeness & purity of awareness. This vitality has nothing to do with the silly-separative structure of our consciousness along with its everlasting vulgarity of ache, agony, animosity, ambition, agitation, arrogance and so on in which we remain caught up. This situation exists because of the constant repetition of 'I' & 'Me' (Chittavritti) and the consequent rejection of the benediction of 'No-I' (Chaitanya) in our inner being. And thus we remain pre-occupied with all kinds of pursuits in idiotic becoming and its delusions. Swadhyay begins when we wake up to the activities of 'I'-ness as is seen in the Beatles' song below:


All through the day, I me mine

I me mine, I me mine

All through the night, I me mine

I me mine, I me mine

Now they’re frightened of leaving it

Everyone’s weaving it

Coming on strong all the time

All through the day I me mine

I-I me me mine, I-I me me mine,

I-I me me mine, I-I me me mine,

All I can hear, I me mine

I me mine, I me mine

Even those tears, I me mine

I me mine, I me mine

No-one’s frightened of playing it

Everyone’s saying it

Flowing more freely than wine

All through the day I me mine

I-I me me mine, I-I me me mine,

I-I me me mine, I-I me me mine,

All I can hear, I me mine I me mine,

I me mine Even those tears, I me mine

I me mine, I me mine

No-one’s frightened of playing it Everyone’s saying

it Flowing more freely than wine

All through the life, I me mine



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