February 12, 2010
While teaching is useful and possible in the exterior technical area of acquired knowledge wherein dichotomy exists between the subject and object, the same is not true in the interior contents of consciousness. The controller (subject) of a psychological problem or pollution is not different from the problem (object). It is not that I have a problem or I have no problem, 'I' is the problem! The problem, in its various fragmentations, also projects an 'I' and considers this 'I' as the 'higher-self' which would control the problem! Thus begins the complications and confusions, as the subject and object are same! Can one realise this by and for oneself? No teaching would help here in getting riddance from this fiction 'I'. And only in this riddance, is the dissolution of the problem bringing an end to the false dichotomy in the inner being.
When water is poured from a jug into a glass from a height, one sees so many bubbles. Some are small, some large. Some burst as soon as they are formed and others rise to the top and still don't burst. Some move upward fast while others are slow. While studying this phenomenon, the intellect can understand that this is happening because of complex forces acting during the pouring process that makes the entrapped air form bubbles and that the movement of bubbles is also subject to other complex forces as well as local forces immediately surrounding the bubbles.
The phenomenon of life is perhaps somewhat similar, but because 'we' are the bubbles, we cannot see that there is an energy that is the base and that there are also Gunas acting to move us in diverse ways.
Just as the bubbles are all actually the same, filled with air, we humans are same too. It is only the ego consciousness (which is sum of the Gunas, conditioning and cultural inputs) that generates the divisions.
It is possible to describe and analyse the formation, growth and bursting of bubbles, because the one describing is different from the one that is being described. But when it comes to ego consciousness, then the describer is the described! And that is the beginning of an enigma difficult to comprehend!
That is why non-verbal insight cannot be transmitted by words. The perception-process can not be framed within the dichotomy of teacher and the taught. There are thus things which no one can teach about. The truth about the illusion 'I' must hit like a jolt of lightening. It is beyond all teaching.
Experiences are a sign of deficiency. In the natural state there is no experience. Even in your own body, you experience your toe only when it is hurt. Otherwise there is only existence of toe, no experience of it. You experience your stomach only when there is indigestion otherwise it exists in a state of no-experience, no-'I'.
'I' however, always experiences itself. And 'I' is the only deficiency and a neurological defect in the human body. There is only Life, there is only an emptiness, a silence, a situation of 'no-I', 'none-ness' in the inner being.