Written Messages

Guruji's Written Messages

Message 174 - A question at the recent retreat in Portugal (Fatima)


30 August, 2009 

A participant asked Shibendu: how many persons in Samadhi you have seen so far? Shibendu said: none, but my father saw one and this is the stunning true story: ---

There was a professor of Philosophy as also a brother Kriyaban (disciple of Tinkori) in Kolkata who was very tranquil and wise. He lived on the second floor of a typical old small apartment block where there was a long open corridor outside the front door and where each block was adjacent to the other. The corridor faced the busy street and all the noise and excitement on the street were constant companions of the residents.One day a friend visited him and they decided to sit in the corridor and talk. The professor's wife told their young son to go across the street and get some samosas and sweets to serve the visitor along with the tea she would make. The professor and his friend were talking when they saw, below them, the son crossing the street to go to the shop. He did not see a truck coming down the road and before the truck could brake to a stop, it hit the boy and crushed him under the wheel. The mother who also happened to be standing there fell in a faint at this horrible sight. A crowd collected around the truck and as is typical in India, started beating the truck driver with all violence. The father sat there seeing his son dead and then went down to the street with his friend. He asked the people to hand over the driver to the police and help him to perform cremation and last rites for the dead body (his son) by arranging a funeral. There was a stunned silence as the people realised that this calm faced man was the father of the dead boy. The friend was none other than Shibendu’s father Satyacharan Lahiri. The incident happened in early 1958. This is the state of Samadhi --- the energy of equanimity & wisdom firmly established --- not to be disarrayed in spite of extraordinary challenging situations of life. In the state of the Samadhi, one can perform too --- not just sitting hypocritically with contrived and calculated posture along with perverse pretensions and intensions for publicity in the internet.

It is better to be a bonafide fraud than to be a spiritual charlatan posing for Samadhi. All the junk and garbage you have collected from the spiritual market, must be flushed out of your system. ‘You’ cannot flush out through any effort or volition of ‘yours’; for ‘you’ is the junk, ‘you’ is the garbage! Can ‘you’ simply stop and shut up? ‘You’ are nothing but just a monkey of ‘your’ stupid images and ideals about matters spiritual.

Priests must thank Krishna, Shiva, Buddha, Jesus, Mohammed and others for having provided the priest-craft with a means to earn an easy living through pretensions, paradoxes and perversions as also through hypocrisy, humbug and hoax.

Killing false hopes and fictitious expectations with their conditioned reflexes as experiences --- is LOVE, LIFE, INTELLIGENCE and WAKEFULNESS.





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