Written Messages

Guruji's Written Messages

Message 173 - Time, Timelessness, No-Time    

(This Message is a correspondence between a Shishya Process and the Guru Process.)


                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Paris - Ghaziabad

                                                                                                                                                August 27, 2009

Pranam Guruji,


The following questions have come, one of which is without an answer now. This meditation is happening after writing the mails to abc which I had shared. I just thought I would share this also with you.


1.     What is Time?


The understanding is that time is the interval between two events. For example the interval between the earths position with respect to the sun at a given moment and the next time it occupies the same position, was called a year. Or the interval between one sunrise and the next was called a day. Later as precision became more important for practical purposes the second was defined as 1/31,556,925.9747 of the solar year that was in progress at noon on December 31, 1899. With demands for still more precision the second was defined as equal to 9,192,631,770 oscillations, or periods, of the radiation corresponding to the transition between two hyperfine (closely spaced) energy states of the cesium-133 atom. This gave an accuracy of 1 second over a period of 3 million years!

 But in all definitions, time is an interval between two events.

 Even by the most accurate current definition of time, the smallest interval we have defined is of one oscillation of the radiation corresponding to the transition between two closely spaced energy states of the cesium 133 atom. Thus we can go down to 0.0000000001 second. Yes this is very accurate, but what about in between the oscillation? What about the first tenth of the oscillation or an even smaller fraction of it? We can go on dividing the above numbers until we go blue in the face, but will always come up with the fact that what we call time is an interval between two events.


2a. Is there time if there are no events?

2b. Can this question above be answered by thought, which is also an event?

2c. Can this question be answered?

2d. Is not an answer a thought?

2e. Is No-Time unknowable?


 Pranam Guruji,


 I bow to you with my forehead at your feet.


Jai Guru, Jai Guru, Jai Guru.




Dear XYZ,


The answer to your question from Guru Process:


In the ground (Paramdhaam) or in the bliss of Eternity (Sat-Chit-Ananda), there is only existence --- no events --- no movements. In this, there is the beginning and end of all "things"--- mysterious & Unknowable!


Human brain has the potential to blast into this total freedom from events as also from time and that is the one and the only enlightenment! The freedom from the illusory "I" --- psychological time of becoming is the first step which can also suddenly and surprisingly be the last step too --- the freedom from the totality of time!


Jai Guru,





Jai Sat-Chit-Ananda

Jai Bliss of No-Events, No-Time


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