May 21, 2012
I - Kahataa Hoon
Kahijaat Hoon
Kahoon Bajaawat Dhol,
Swaasa Khaali Jaat Hai
Teen Lok Ka Mol!
II -Boond Samaani Samund Mey
Jaanat Hai Sab Koi,
Samund Samaanaa Boond Mey
Bujhey Biralaa Koi!
III -Marat Marat Toe Jag Muaa
Maran Na Jaanei Koi,
Tis Marani Sadhou Marey
Kabirei Maran Jo Hoi!
I - Kabir is constantly pointing out, ceaselessly giving hints in so many ways, even shouting again and again along with the beating of drums. That 'you' (mind) are missing Life within your own breath as also everywhere around the existence in the three dimensions; of knowing, doing and being!
II - One can understand when a drop merges in the Ocean and thus is the 'is-ness' of the ocean. But Ocean also merges in the drop and then the drop reveals the whole ocean! This, however, no one understands!
III - Human beings die every now and then. Yet no one gets a glimpse of Immortality through Death! Let the Simple Ones so die, as Kabir dies from moment to moment tasting and touching the Timeless in his Being without any pollution from becoming in time.
Bin Laden was killed on May 2, 2011. A crucial article appeared after one year on May 7, 2012 issue of Time Magazine.
"Bin Laden was dispatched with a "double tap" of shots to the chest and left eye. It was a grisly scene: his brains spattered on the ceiling above him and poured out of his eye socket. The floor near the bed was smeared with Bin Laden's blood."
Body is matter. Brain is matter. Memories and knowledge stored up in the brain are matters. All the contents of your conspicuous consciousness; your greed, your fear, your conflict, your solace from your belief-systems, from your books (religious or otherwise), from the phony baloneys of racketeers and marketers of "meditations", "spiritual ideas", your "holy books", your "miracles", your collection of sermons and commandments, your conforming and becoming, your "super-consciousness", your "aura", your "soul", your "god", your emotions and sentiments, your "self-discovery", your "temperament", your "higher self", your "lower self", your identifications as Hindu, Muslim, Buddhist, Christian, Jew, British, French, Communist, Capitalist, Socialist, Centrist; your success, your failure, your good and evil, your guilt and gullibility, your honesty and hypocrisy, your heaven and hell, your generosity and miserliness --- all this is material process of the matter called brain which poured out of the eye socket! It is that matter which catches the phrase from Prophet "Marry and increase in number because with you I increase the nation (of Muslims)". It is the material process, which made Bin Laden to take many wives and produce many, many children. It is the matter (not life), which made him a jihadist killing non-muslim lives at random to earn kudos from Allah in heaven. The material process in the brain can never know what Life is, in spite of its ideas galore about Life, which the brain harbours.
Bin Laden stayed for six years right under the nose of military head -quarters of Pakistan (Holy land of Muslims) and fathered four more children during this period. Two of them were born in local hospitals. Yet Pak authorities claimed that they knew nothing of Bin Laden's presence! This is also the nation which possesses 100 nuclear bombs and has enough materials to produce at least 12 more nuclear weapons in the next 12 months, although 80% of the citizens of the holy land are in the grinding misery of abject poverty, patiently waiting to go to heaven as good and uncompromising muslims. Sufis could not bring about an Energy of Understanding among most of the muslims. Alas!