Pavel Bania
(Bulgaria) 27 April 2012
Jibon Jaukhon Shukaaey Jaai, Karunaa Dhaaraai Eso;
Saukol Maadhuri Lukaaey Jaai, Geetsudha Rausey Eso.
Kaurmo Jaukhon Probaul-Aakaar
Gauroji Uthia Dhaakey Chaari Dhaar,
Hridoypraantey Hey Jibononath Shaanto Chauroney Eso.
Aaponaarey Jaubey Koria Kripon Koney Porey Thaakey Dinohino Mon
Duaar Khulia Hey Udaaro Nath Rajsaumaarohe Eso.
Basonaa Jaukhon Bipul Dhulaai, Aundho Koria Aubodhey Bhulaai;
Ohey Pobitro, Ohey Anidro, Rudro Aalokey Eso.
When life gets dried up in the desert of divisive mind, come with Thy river of compassion and love.
When sweetness of life gets lost in the lurch of the mind, come with Thy sweetest taste of the melody divine.
When the monstrosity of mind’s activities obscures all over, come in with Thy calm footsteps to reveal the connection of life camouflaged in the heart.
When the narrow selfishness of the mind makes living miserable, come with Thy grandeur in the Royal style, breaking open the door of my mean ‘me-ness’.
When disproportionate desires kick around enormous dust of the mind, blinding the benediction of life; come o’ the sacred One, the ever wakeful One, in your most brilliant fire and light dispelling the darkness of human-ego.
Advice from the Guru Process:
- Be a mirror --- just reflecting, not registering like a camera (except in matters technical, for mundane tasks). Mirror is Chaitanya (Intelligence). Camera is Chittavritti (‘I-psyche’). Mirror is the Real Self. Camera is the conceptual, referral self. Mirror is the Divinity. Camera is the divisive consciousness.
- Go into the unknowable. Take nothing for granted. Do not assume anything. Be free to explore! Truth relates as also renounces!
- Be available to the reviving breath of the spring of life. Don’t remain confined in the winter of the wicked activities of the mind.
- Relationship is the response from life. Resistance, reaction is mind.
- Complete abandonment of the ‘self’, the ‘me’, the ‘I’ is compassion, love, life, energy, existence, holiness, ‘wholeness’, ‘divinity’, ‘awakening’.
- Be clear in your intentions and thus be available to steadfast attention --- imminent and indestructible.
- Clear the field of undertakings. Receive the new seed of understanding Retreats and Initiations.
- Surrender to each other --- not dominating each other.
- Fear and the constraint of fear is not morality, but just craving for security. Various virtues cultivated through fear are not virtues. Social morality is mostly immoral!
- Don’t seek fulfillment --- you will never be frustrated!
- Put aside all images and all clinging to belief systems of different ‘religions’, sects, cults, conspiring groups of ‘spirituality’ and ‘healers’ and drug addicts.
- Be in ‘being’, not in ‘becoming’. True being is the cessation of the will, which is a good name for the ego.
- Be available to the precious jewel of ‘discontent’. Don’t dissipate it by stupid cravings of the mind to get some mundane results. Do not interfere with the flame of ‘discontent’, which may burn away all the dross except THAT which is homeless and measureless!
- Be free from all emotional and psychological shocks, which does not mean that you harden yourself against the movement of life. These shocks affect the body bringing about various forms of illness.
- Do not smoke. Don’t let this smoke of pettiness smother and amuse your ‘you-ness’ and prevent the fire of awareness to come out!
- Be aware of incidents and accidents. Don’t give them time to take root --- permanent or temporary. Be in timelessness psychologically.
- Happy is the man/woman who is nothing! Be happy. Do not try to be happy.
- Do not try to be simple. This trying will breed complexity and misery. This trying is another becoming, more desires and therefore more frustrations. To be simple inwardly is to be free from the urge for the more.
- Be tremendous --- be awake. Be really alone in spite of the people around.
- Don’t try to be aware, which is wearisome. Die to the mind every minute and thus resurrect in life, again and again.
Blessings to Milena-Sita