Written Messages

Guruji's Written Messages

Message 181 - A sequel to Message 161 A redeeming feature of the part of our planet called U.S.A.


16 December, 2009

High-handedness and indiscretion which cancelled Shibendu's US Visa on Feb. 16, 2009 at Canada-U.S.A. Highway border, was undone and the visa for ten  years was issued again on Dec. 15, 2009 --- thanks to the good sense that ultimately prevailed among U.S.A. officials. Good-luck to Good-brain Americans. This is a precious Christmas gift indeed.

Brains among Americans are being atrophied because of tremendous superficial self-centered activities obtaining in the country under the banner of "new-age spirituality". Multiplication of ideas and thoughts from the separative psyche is destroying the possibility of the movement of insight, intelligence and the truth which blossom in the dimension of 'no-thought'. Silly and shoddy little minds remain hopelessly pre-occupied in the fanciful formulations of "meditational experiences", "miracle-mongering stories", “miraculous remedies", “kundalinis", "auras", "third-eyes", "other parallel universes", "near-death experiences", "channelings", "masters", "avatars", "UFO'S", "past lives", and so on. Instead of running into all these dream-merchants of the spiritual market, just consider and wake up to the four steps in flowering of intelligence (Chaitanya) mentioned below:

1) Languishing in the activities of the contents of separative consciousness, that is, remaining aloof & away from the empty awareness (in Sanskrit, this is called "Duhkha" --- "Duh" or "Dur" means "remaining away" and "Kha" means "Skyness or empty awareness"); is not Living. Life is wonder & mystery, Life is Joyful Existence. It is not an outcome of jejune experiences emanating from conditioned reflexes. Ideas and beliefs about life is not Life. Ideas (New-age or old-age) are sorrow (Duhkha) and stinking shits, except in technical areas.

2) Why do human beings remain caught up in paradoxical, perverted and almost paranoid contents of separative consciousness? What is the protective mechanism by which these contents are preserved and perpetuated? What is the root cause? Then cause generates an effect and effect becomes another cause to produce yet another effect and so on and on. How the vicious circles are maintained? Shibendu tirelessly points out to the spurious split, the fictitious fragmentation, the delusory division, the bogus bifurcation, the false dichotomy in the inner being, again and again, in so many ways and suggests that this may please be directly seen by and for oneself as the root cause --- one and the only.

3) Remedy is in the direct discovery of false as the false. Accepting or rejecting ideas & knowledge from another, however wise, is totally useless in the inner world. Following in the interior dimension is further fragmentation. Conforming and becoming in the inner being is the denial and destruction of the bliss and benediction of the Energy of Comprehension and Being. Cure of the cause comes from being a light to oneself. This light is very much ready to reveal itself, but remains covered up by the nasty pursuits of power, possessions, positions and prominence through 'spiritual' ideas and notorious innovation of cunning fancies and fantasies of the mind.

4) After the remedy, one is then available to the state of freedom, Natural state, Mukti, Moksha or Nirvana.

Above four are known as Arya Satya from times immemorial.

Jai Arya Satya

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