12 December, 2009
The swadhyay that was happening during our satsang on phone was intense.
Here is an understanding that happened suddenly after we disconnected the phone.
1. The so-called individual human consciousness is the result of two basic inputs - the basic human consciousness and the traits and tendencies of that body (the genes, gunas). Swadhyay, is understanding human consciousness in its entirety. Basic characteristic of human consciousness is usually governed by that unique human trait of separativeness and the desire of this separativeness to protect itself. The traits and tendencies of a body rest on this basic consciousness and merely modify it by some extent. As long as the basic human consciousness is governed by separativeness there can be no transformation in the state of awareness. However, if by some chance, this bondage is broken then suddenly the basic characteristic of the human consciousness undergoes a change which is a mutation - not an evolution. One of the effects of this mutation is that the characteristic of constant thought becomes one of no-thought. It is not a stilling of thought. There are no thoughts to still.
2. The need to talk is normally because of the need to express the constant flow of thought. If the flow of thought continues, it does not matter whether there is expression of it by speech or not. Both are actually the same. Verbalising loudly or silently, making images etc. is constantly happening in such a mind and then even when there is no verbalising there is no silence. But when the constant stream of thoughts ends, the verbalising that happens is COMING from silence. At the exact moment of verbalising there is thought (technical in nature - transforming the energy of silence into a commonly understood form of human expression - words), but when there is no verbalising there is only an awareness. This awareness is perhaps silence.
3. Unless the speaker and the listener are both in the same state of intense awareness there can be no satsang. When there is no silence there is no understanding nor the perception of now-ness.
Perhaps this mutation from thought to awareness happens. That is why you have called it a Grace.
This is the mutative movement of satsang manifesting the Holy Grace (not "Holy Ghost" , for God's sake!) in a human body which is now available to "Shraavak-hood" (Buddhist phrase) or to "Shravan Kumar state" (Hindu phrase).
This is the state of total listening (not 'I-listening' which is fragmentary) in the dimension of freedom, of live-understanding, of love. Your body is somehow quietly expressing the process in words and thus it is prevented from crying. But Ajay's body rolls in profuse tears during such listening from Guru's body as he does not have enough erudition to verbalise. Thus mutation perhaps happens with or without verbalisation.
Jai Guru Phenomenon