Written Messages

Guruji's Written Messages

Message 162 - Great & Powerful Countries


March 8, 2009


Vast oceans, in spite of their greatness, are lying low so that all the rivers can flow into the oceans. And that does not disturb ocean. The level of ocean is not increased even by an inch in spite of this enormous inflow of water. Also huge evaporation from the ocean is constantly taking place, forming clouds and rains fulfilling the rivers again. This generous giving away by the ocean to help the rivers does not have any damaging effect on the ocean. The level of ocean is not decreased even by an inch despite this tremendous loss of water. All this goes on naturally under the management of Universal Intelligence.


If great and powerful countries like USA, Russia and others may exist in humility, lying low, as if vast oceans, without trying to overpower, occupy, dominate, control, exploit and torture; then small countries would automatically abide by the great countries. And all the help from the great nations to smaller ones would not diminish the resources of the great. But small minds managing the affairs of the great countries with their cravings, fears, vanity and selfishness; can never understand and therefore will continue to promote a monstrous world of conflict, wars and killings galore.


Legend says: Jesus was going for prayer on the Sabbath day as per the customary belief-system that this is the day of prayer and of no work (even God stops working during Sabbath!). He came across a blind man who was crying for help and nobody cared as they were rushing for Synagogue. Jesus however stopped and held the man with great affection and miraculously, the blindness was cured. But the priest was furious and reprimanded Jesus for violating the law of Sabbath. And then came the profound utterance from Jesus: “Sabbath is for man and not man for Sabbath”


And, of late, someone was dispelling the darkness of delusory duality in the inner consciousness of humans through the energy of understanding flowing from the ancient wisdom of Saankhya, Yoga and Vedanta. But the policeman (in place of priest) of a great country came to harass the teacher and ransack his humble work forgetting that law is to protect humans, not to destroy them.


Experience from borrowed knowledge is never the way of wisdom. There is experience only when the dead revives, only to die again. Experience is merely changing recognition and recognition is part of the known. Talking or writing about 'spiritual experience' is an abomination. It is the sacrilege of the Sacred. It is the ache of time.


That immensity comes without any burden of conditioning, without any yesterday.


Love or immensity is pure, alone and impenetrable. If you know love, it would not be love! Love is not pity. It is not the acceptance of a phony relationship with constant readjustments in the activities of the separative psyche 'I'.


Again that incredible immensity is here at mid-night filling heavens and earth. It is not yours to keep or to loose!






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