Written Messages

Guruji's Written Messages

Message 161 - In the land of Freedom (or Fragmentation?)! In the land of Development (or Destruction?)!


   Canada, Feb 18, 2009

Energy of Understanding – a victim; Entanglement with undertakings – a victor.

Kriya Yoga –  the reaction-free denial of separative conditioning of the human psyche will no longer be available to the good - brains of USA through the body of Shibendu, the great grand son of the Lion of the Kriya process known as Lahiri Mahashay. The goody-goody imitators will be glad to have a field-day by keeping the stupid - brains amused in their stories and surmises and in their mental formations, formulations and fragmentations under the banner of Kriya Yoga. Good luck to them.

In the twentieth year of Shibendu’s visit to USA, he shared the Energy in Seattle (USA) and then proceeded to Vancouver (Canada). The sharing was possible there too. Thereafter, while returning to USA again by road, mental undertakings reigned supreme. The incidents that happened on Feb. 10 evening and again on Feb. 16 evening can be glimpsed from the enclosed three communications by the present U.S. Kriyaban Coordinator.

At the very end of the horrible three and a half hours’ ordeal on Feb. 16 evening, a gigantic bully appeared and shouted at Shibendu “So you are a holy man. Americans will have to pay one hundred dollars to see you. Say – Yes or No.”

Shibendu: “I do not know”.

Bully shouts: “Say Yes or No”.

Shibendu roared back like a lion:” Why the hell I must say ‘Yes or No’? Why must I be in the corridor of opposites? Why can’t I be in the third dimension? Why can’t I say ‘I don’t know? ”

Bully then gave up and released Shibendu.

(Note: American Kriyaban-coordinators decided to suggest optional payment of one hundred dollars per participant as practical support for making arrangements for the events at various places and to defray the cost of travel and stay)

Before releasing, Shibendu was asked to make some voluntary statements about the whole episode and the following were said:

1)    Everyone is doing everything for something, whereas this person is doing something for nothing, which nobody seems to understand.

2)    I love this country and the human beings here. When a country is prosperous, it leans towards spirituality. Humans here have great potential to be available to deep understanding, not merely to divisive undertakings.

3)     If you allow me to go to USA, it is good. But if you don’t, it is still fine with me.


Jai Good - brain - Kriyabans of America

& everywhere on this planet which belongs to all


Enclosures: 3 communications from Joe Passalaqua.


Enclosure 1


Joseph Passalaqua

1709 18th Avenue, #301, Seattle, WA  98122

(206) 399 9747   This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.



Senator Patty Murray

2988 Jackson Federal Building
915 2nd Avenue
Seattle, Washington 98174
Phone: (206) 553-5545
Fax: (206) 553-0891


February 11, 2009


Dear Senator Murray:


Last evening at the Pacific Highway border crossing in Blaine, Washington (port code 3004), a priest and teacher from India was denied re-entry into the United States based on inaccurate assertions made by the US Immigration Services.  This man has traveled from India under the support of people like me to teach about Indian philosophy throughout North America.  His first stop was Seattle on February 4, then Vancouver (BC) on February 8.  His ongoing program is being held up by an apparent racial bias at the border crossing.  Students in Los Angeles, Michigan, Washington DC and New York are awaiting his arrival for their respective programs and the program coordinators have already paid thousands in fees to arrange for his visit, including airline fees, hotels, facility rentals, etc.  He is even to take part in a wedding ceremony in Michigan in two weeks.


Details of the tour are available at:  www.kriyayogalahiri.com/htmluk/program.htm


After his denial, I drove into the back side of the Immigration office and inquired with the supervisor who was rude and disrespectful.  This was around 6:00 pm on Tuesday, February 10 (last evening).  Reportedly, this supervisor and his staff singled the individual out and pulled an event flyer from his travel bag which indicated that a fee is paid.  The officer refused to listen to the Indian national who asserted that the fees are paid to the local coordinators so that we can pay for the costs of the tour I have previously mentioned.  Mr. Shibendu Lahiri does not receive fees of any kind for his appearances.  He is a simple man we bring to the US from time to time to conduct talks and workshops on spiritual philosophy. 


His information is as follows:


Current Indian Passport

Passport #:                  F1579264

Type:                           P

Country:                      IND

Name:                         LAHIRI SHIBENDU (last name first)

Place of Birth:             VARANASI, UP, INDIA

Place of Issue:            PARIS, FRANCE (Indian Embassy)

Nationality:                  INDIAN

Sex:                             MALE

Date of Issue:              MARCH 17, 2008

Date of Expiry:            MARCH 16, 2018


The US entry Visa below is attached to his previous Passport (# E5681328), which was replaced by the passport above because it became filled up with too many stamps/visas, as Mr. Lahiri travels extensively around the world. 


US VISA Details

Visa #:                         90592495

Control #:                    20080114250001

Name:                         LAHIRI SHIBENDU (last name first)

Visa – Type/Class:      R – B1/B2

Place of Issue:            NEW DELHI, INDIA

Date of Issue:              14 January 2008

Date of Expiry:            09 January 2018


The US immigration officials have taken photos and fingerprints of Mr. Lahiri and have threatened to revoke his visa status. 


I refer you again to the website mentioned above where you will see all details surrounding his tour in the US.  He was last here in 2007 and we had no such problems.  Each coordinator is accountable for paying for local charges and we share the burden of his air fares to and from the US and for travel between destinations while he is here.


If he is not allowed back into the US very soon, coordinators will lose thousands of dollars in advance fees for facilities rentals, presentation materials, etc.  Further, individuals who have purchased tickets to travel to see Mr. Lahiri speak will stand to forfeit their costs as well. 


Mr. Lahiri has been coming to the US since 1989 speaking regularly to small groups of individuals.  As the current US coordinator for his current tour, I urge you to intervene in this instance to allow Mr. Lahiri back into the US to continue his tour.  Even if we miss this weekend’s tour stop in Los Angeles, at least those in Michigan, Washington DC and New York will not face financial loss resulting from this matter.

I am available to anyone at any time at 206 399 9747.  I thank you in advance for your assistance in this urgent matter.




Joe Passalaqua

Seattle resident and US tour coordinator for Mr. Lahiri.


Enclosure 2



Approximately 3 hours ago, I left Guruji in the kind and gentle care of the wonderful couple Parma’ and Rachna Misra in Coquitlam, British Colombia, Canada.  This only after a 3.5 hour ordeal at the US Immigration office which ended at 10:30 pm PST with the revocation of his US Visa outright.  Guruji will now not be able to enter the US indefinitely.

As I drove down from Canada to Seattle, I had not one of you to talk with about this ordeal, due to the late hour.  In this time alone, I was able to reflect on the horror that I witnessed and the revelations that came from such a traumatic experience.  What was done to Guruji’s person during the 3.5 hours was unbearable, and I could only sit there and do nothing as the utter abuse of power continued on and on.  The abuse of that 70-years-YOUNG body was a nightmare, although it could be argued that Shibendu’s body took the abuse better than my 40-year body just one room away.

It seems that the US is so full of mind now, that the very presence of an individual established in ‘no-mind’ caused a frenzy of ego and animosity so fierce that humanity and compassion were lost completely.

It made me think of one thing: 

The First Amendment of the Bill of Rights under the US Constitution states:

“Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.”

I assure you, not one portion, not one word of this Amendment is true now.  It’s been overturned completely.  Not ONE word!


Where do we go from here?

§  Guruji will need to book a ticket back to Paris this week.

§  Brandon, Rajesh, Thierry (and to a lesser extent Juan Carlos and Joe) will have to commence licking our wounds and coming to terms with the fallout from the abrupt end to the tour.

§  KumKum will need to be reimbursed somehow for the ticket that brought Guruji here (and is now half-lost).

§  Gopi & friends in India need to be reimbursed for the books at some point.

§  Prospective Kriyabans will need to consider travel overseas.

§  I will continue to consult with our lawyer to try to find SOME sort of solution for the distant future (although all parties are now unsure of how to proceed).


My heart is so heavy now, knowing how many people will not have a chance to come to initiations. 

Yet, in the midst of this gut-churning pain, the smallest light of truth also shines true:  for 19 years, Guruji has come and gone without problem.  So, now in the 20th year, he is finally stopped.  So let us celebrate 19 years of beauty, truth, friendship.  And let us also vow to change the course of the future, not only that he should be allowed to return again someday, but that we recruit other Kriyabans and loved ones around us to change the horrible direction our country has taken and begin to gently and patiently steer it back into the right direction.  How on Earth did we let our country get this way?!

Tonight I must finally go to bed (2:45 AM PST), but I hope that you will have the courage tomorrow to join hands and change the course of the future for the sake of the energy of understanding.

With my deepest regrets and sorrow,

Joe (Seattle)

Enclosure 3


Tell them that a great teacher of Indian philosophy was denied entry into the US due to severe religious prejudice on the part of the US Department of Homeland [IN] Security, as they have now made it impossible for anyone affiliated with spiritual matters to enter the US.  Also tell them that the DHS (CBP) interrogated Shibenduji for 3.5 hours as if the 70-year-old were a criminal.  Also tell them that Yoga is now, according to the US Government, officially an exercise program and is devoid of spirituality whatsoever – thus the Hatha clan has won the battle!

Just take care of your "flock".  Rajesh will take care of his, Thierry his.  JC in LA has already taken care of his.

I'm trying to get some rest so I can be of use to people later today. I should be up after 3-4 your time.







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Kriya deconditions and sets the seeker free from the past karma. It transforms fundamentally the gross ego-centre of the seeker into a subtle individual uniqueness which also includes universality. It brings harmony with the wholeness of life by piercing through the ignorance of the ways of self. 

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