Written Messages

Guruji's Written Messages

Message 210 - Yet another blast from Tagore!



April 9, 2011

Aakaash Bhaura Suryo Taaraa

Vishwa Bhaura Praan,

Taahaari Maajhkhaane Aami Peyechhi Mor Sthaan,

Vismaye Taai Jaage, Jaage Aamaar Gaan.

Asimkaaler Je Hillole Jowar-Bhantai Bhuvon Doley

Naaritey Mor Rakto Dhaarai Legechhe Taar Taan,

Vismaye Taai Jaage, Jaage Aamaar Gaan.

Ghaase Ghaase Paa Phelechhi Boner Pauthey Jete,

Phuler Gaundhey Chamak lege Uthechhe Mon Metey,

Chhoriey Aachhe Aanonderoi Daan,

Vismaye Taai Jaage, Jaage Aamaar Gaan,

Kaan Petechhi, Chokh Melechhi,

Dhaurar Bukey Praan Dhelechhi,

Jaanaar Maajhey Ajaanaarey Korechhi Saundhaan,

Vishmaye Taai Jaage, Jaage Aamaar Gaan.




One suddenly and wonderfully wakes up and finds oneself inseparably placed in harmony and melody of the totality of Life encompassing all Suns and Stars!

The tide and ebb of the waves of Eternity has suddenly begun flowing in one's veins and nerves and one is mysteriously blasting into a song eternal!

While walking on the grass towards the forest one got suddenly "intoxicated" and "shocked" by the fragrance of the flowers! And a strange gift of ecstasy was seen rampant everywhere! A melody most wonderful thus surfaced again!

One listened with life; one saw whole-heartedly --- this mysterious heartbeat  of the Earth! One perceived the Unknowable among the limited revelations of the Unlimited. And again, One was devastated by the Supreme Melody of the Universe, of the Existence!




1) Silence is not the same that we mean by the word "silence" which is just suppressed noise and thus modified continuity of noise. Silence may include sound too! There is silence in the sound of breeze flowing through trees, an explosive silence in the sound of thunder! And there is the silence of explosive talks from the body of Shibendu during Initiation programs and Retreats! Transformation of the human psyche --- of human selfishness, of human aggression is not through cultivated or contrived silence or through wearing a mask of silence by bringing about a siesta/sleep in "transcendental meditation" or "Brahmakumari concentration" or in "Sahaja yoga" or in "Tratak", dished out in the spiritual cafeteria.


2) The psyche, the "I-ness", the rabid ego-perpetuation of every kind through thought, imaginings, sittings with closed eyes --- it is all "I-ness"! My worries, my problems, my pursuits, my quarrels, my fears and inhibitions, my desires, my experiences, my knowledge, my belief-systems, my paradoxes, my conditionings, my confusions, my pain and sorrow --- all that is the "me-ness". And to bring about a total transformation, which is the total ending of this "me-ness" --- that ending can not come about through the self-hypnotic silence sold by the spiritual marketers and racketeers or through any screams heard in the "ashram" (brothel?) of a reputed "master"! That ending can only happen through constant and careful attention over the "me-ness" in passivity or in choiceless bliss --- not as a pursuit or conforming and becoming by following anyone. For this ending to happen, one needs a very good & clear brain --- not a muddled brain. Then one cannot be a Hindu, a Muslim, a Christian, a Jew, a British, a French, a Russian, an American and all those trivialities which thought has generated.


3) Brain-specialists do not explore their inner being. They experiment on dogs, monkeys, pigeons, rats and all the rest of it. They are ambitious, greedy, seeking power and position. Radical change or mutation is something totally different.



Jai Blast again!

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