31 May 2008
Exact equivalent words in English language for the above Sanskrit words are not easy to find. Yet the closest translation would perhaps be as follows: ---
Ninda-Nisthurata : Condemnation - cruelty.
Alochana-karuna : Criticism – compassion.
This translation is not adequate, but works to convey the meaning to some extent. For example, the word 'Alochana' comes from the word 'Lochan' which means eye. Alochana therefore indicates the capability of seeing without the 'see-er', that is, the capability of seeing 'what is' without any provocation from the past paranoia which is the psyche (ego) of the separative 'see-er'. Such a phenomenon of holistic seeing comes only from compassion (Karuna) --- not from the ego, not from the arrogance of ''I''.
Thus 'Alochana'' and 'Karuna' go together in Sanskrit. But in English language, any criticism implies ruthlessness, antagonism, vengeance, envy emanating from the ego! Criticism may not be egoistic or cruel at all, it may be compassion – may be like a Surgeon's knife. People who do not listen completely, conclude that other 'Gurus' are being 'criticised' in Retreats! Perhaps, they mean 'Ninda' which is condemnation. And this is, of course, 'Nisthurata', that is, cruelty, arrogance or vengeance which are ego-centric activities.
Is it possible to understand that Shibendu may get into 'Alochana', but never into ‘Ninda’? That is, he may point out the things as they are. But he does not condemn anyone out of antagonism or envy. Only compassion (Karuna) flows in Retreat. Be available to this flame in a state that is not of the mind.
Separative mind seeks security in limitations --- in groups or associations of various kinds such as language groups, religious groups, spiritual groups, caste groups, cultural groups, sports groups, racial groups, national groups, sectarian and cult groups, professional groups, business groups, economic groups, owners' groups, workers' group, social groups, political groups and so on. And each group is recklessly promoting its own peculiar vanity & vested interests! While some may be considered alright from the technical or legal view-points, most of them are a menace to security as these groups merely perpetuate animosity & conflicts due ego- investments at different levels. When economists get excited over their development indices and politicians start rejoicing over them, a very strange phenomenon takes places! Rich gets richer and richer with an obnoxious vulgarity. And the poverty of the poor starts becoming a grinding misery!
Real security is in the unfolding of the unlimited human being. Only this can secure the survival of this planet and can save it from a nuclear holocaust, to which a shoddy little security-seeking mind is running amuck too fast.