30 May, 2008
“When blankness happens, there is a perception that something happened.
Just an Emptiness of no-space, no-time, no-knowledge. No words, no thought. Even ‘nothingness’ is not experienced, it is just a word being used to describe this indescribable ‘phenomenon’.
Guruji, I wrote the above as a means of spending an agitation that came after a blast recently. I did not send it, but it was saved in the computer. Then, today, while scrolling down on computer through the various Messages the fingers paused at Message 75 – “What is Enlightenment?” and the following words of the Guru answered all – as usual – and the agitation ended:
…. “This consciousness with which we are familiar and is felt with such conspicuousness can not capture the “otherness” under any circumstances because of overwhelming involvement and preoccupation with “thisness.” There are, however, flashes of “otherness” when “thisness” somehow gets abandoned occasionally!”
The flash is grasped by a kind of shock shattering the separative consciousness. The way of enlightenment is the way of our daily life, watching the daily living in a state of wisdom which means no watcher! Watcher prevents wisdom by its past prejudices, pressures, pretensions and pursuits. Enlightenment happens under the sky, not in the meditation halls run by “spiritual” scoundrels and “religious” rascals! The challenge of enlightenment is to meet each moment with clarity without any pre-concept and pre-determined conclusion.”
….. “Enlightenment is like a toilet paper which cleanses you by making itself dirty. Throw it and flush out immediately. Otherwise, it would become an experience and start stinking and spread pollutions all around!”
Guruji, I bow at your feet, again and again and again. There is a protection beyond all protections working through the Guru Energy that guides this body every time there is need for guidance. This is seen.
And this makes the body want to hug the Living Sat Guru with tremendous love that flows – again by the grace of the Guru.
Jai Guru, Jai Guru, Jai Guru.